People just don’t know how to act like decent human beings around people that they don’t agree with politically anymore.
It’s pretty sad when you really sit down and think about it.
These days, folks are getting into darn near physical fights over what bumper sticker someone has on their car or the hat they are wearing. I have never seen anything like this ever, even at sporting events where someone is being obnoxious and wearing the other team’s hat.
If you aren’t wearing anything that is plastered with profanity in a place where that kind of thing wouldn’t be accepted anyway and are not causing trouble with anyone you should be allowed to wear whatever hat you want.
It’s one of those things that makes me think of a friend of mine told me once. He has a Trump sticker on the back of his truck and saw this little old lady stopped on the side of the road trying to change a flat tire. The woman must have been seventy or something.
She had a Hillary sticker on the back of her car and he stopped and she about fainted from surprise because she assumed that everyone that supported Trump was a monster.
Then again that’s the story that liberals want everyone to think is true…
Via Daily Wire:
With MAGA hat-wearing Catholic high school students getting branded hate-mongers for “smirking” and news analysts admitting on air that when they see the iconic red hat all they see is a white hood, one award-winning San Francisco restaurant owner has taken the inevitable next step by announcing that he will refuse service to anyone who dares wear the Make America Great Again hat at his establishment.
“It hasn’t happened yet, but if you come to my restaurant wearing a MAGA cap, you aren’t getting served, same as if you come in wearing a swastika, white hood, or any other symbol of intolerance and hate,” J. Kenji López-Alt announced on social media Sunday. “MAGA hats are like white hoods except stupider because you can see exactly who is wearing them,” he added.
López-Alt, the author of the award-winning cookbook “The Food Lab,” is chef-partner of Wursthall restaurant and beer hall in San Mateo, California.
“We aim to bring the festivity and community of the German beer hall to the Bay Area, and hope to create a gathering space for friends and families,” the restaurant’s website states. “San Mateo natives, Adam Simpson and Tyson Mao, have partnered with James Beard award winning chef Kenji López-Alt to deliver a German and Austrian inspired menu for your enjoyment.”
While the restaurant bills itself as a “gathering space for friends and families,” according to López-Alt, some exclusions apply, namely people who want to openly express their support for the sitting President of the United States.
In its coverage of Wursthall’s MAGA hat ban declaration, the San Francisco Chronicle reports that López-Alt “declined to comment further, citing concern for his staff’s safety,” acknowledging “that the business has received negative, even threatening, emails since the tweet.”
Lopez-alt should hang out a sign ststing “First Amendment Rights NOT Applicable Here!!!
upyours lopez u MF’ER!
Essentially that is EXACTLY what he did.
Don’t expect me to ever travel to San Francisco again, with their stupid intolerance and ignorance! Just because the mainstream media says the MAGA hat is racist, that doesn’t make it so! You’re all suckers of the media cult! Yes. it’s a cult, not a news source!
Well if that’s the way that clown wants to think then screw him and his stinking restaurant. However I must remind this asshat that at a time not so very long ago these Germans were just about the most racist bunch of people on this planet,but I guess that doesn’t matter to this racist jerk because these were only the Jews that they went after. Now let’s bring this into perspective,this guy is likely a card carrying demoRAT,so let’s look at the long and dastardly plight of these highly racist and very dishonest folks. These are the same pack of bastardass’s that gave us and wanted to keep slavery going right here in the land of the free,but those folks be it black or white slaves were not free,and next they gave us lynchings and the KKK,it’s still owned by these demoRAT’s they’re just hidden under masks and hoods,the very woman that insisted she had to be President was big buddies with the Imperial Gizzard of these KKK people from West Virginia this person would be Senator Robert Byrd,now just how the hell do we know if bill and Hillary weren’t in it with him,you know ordering children to sexually abuse with your pizza is plenty kinky enough so it wouldn’t be too much of a stretch to assume they as well as others in government could still be members in good standing. Now the only reason they are calling our duly elected president a racist is simply because when he came out running against that scum bucket Hillary the demoRAT’s went into damage control and their usual game here is #1 your a racist,but we all know the truth of that,#2 is he abuses women and he is a misogynist with no other proof of them screaming this bs constantly and this porno star with her dipshit lawyer which nothing was ever proven,want to talk about misogynistic go see Bill Clinton and Bill Cosby….. This seems to be the go to plan every damn time,but you know trying to cop ( im not really in favor of this either)a feel in my book is by far better than sexually abusing children. So Mr Asshat restaurant owner I’ll proudly wear my MAGA hat and stay the hell out of your crummy eating establishment.
This clown would be better to be ranting about the all the needles, urine and feces that abound in Rancid Frisco these days. That place is nothing but an epidemic waiting to be let loose. We used to call that ‘place’ “gay bay”. Guess nothing has changed!!
I associate the counties that this beer restaurant is associated with as hosting the Nazis. I find thid quite offensive.
upyours lopez u MF’ER!
upyours lopez u MF’ER!!
san francisco home of fruits and nuts!
Considering his place of business is in the middle of an open sewer, I would think he’d be trying to find as much business as possible. San Francisco is a 3rd world toilet and I wouldn’t be caught dead there.
If he wants to ban clothing that is hateful, I wonder if he will not serve people with serial killers Che and Mao t-shirts.
Something by tells me this whole issue will make it to the supreme court. Nobody has the right to tell you what to wear out in public or in a public restaurant that serves the public.
I’ll tell you what bedpan. I’ll give you 50 /50, you know what I mean. Unlike that imbecile that can’t get two words out without dribbling and her choppers falling out, rufuses to budge 1percent on the wall. But you get rid of the murderers, illegals and those muslims roaming around with their rags on and the sane will quit wearing the hat. I know I’m safe because when have democrats ever kept their word? They could give North Korea a run for their money on who has reneged the most.
Great example of NAZISM, FASCISM and ISLAMISM.
Another bright on of the left.Full of hate
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