Praise God we still have people like John Robertson, an FBI agent, who keeps an eye out for the little people.

It is nice to know there are a few honorable men and women still serving for the FBI.

Robertson did not hesitate when he was given the opportunity to do the right thing and expose all the corruption, or stay silent. But he decided on the right thing which is completely uncommon now-a-days.

He exposed Comey, McCabe, and Strzok for trying to cover up emails he discovered before the election.

He discovered more than 700,000 email on Weiner’s personal laptop and almost lost his job.

People have definitely been fired for a lot less than that, you can even ask Adam Lovinger.

Paul Sperry@paulsperry_

BREAKING: Meet the man who changed course of history:FBI agent JOHN ROBERTSON. Working Weiner sex-crime case, this unsung (& before-now unidentified) hero discovered trove of Clinton emails & blew whistle on the Comey/McCabe/Strzok cover-up of the evidence 

According to steadfastandloyal:

Paul Sperry wrote about John Robertson at The Federalist.

One career FBI special agent involved in the case complained to New York colleagues that officials in Washington tried to “bury” the new trove of evidence, which he believed contained the full archive of Clinton’s emails — including long-sought missing messages from her first months at the State Department.

RealClearInvestigations pieced together the FBI’s handling of the massive new email discovery from the “Weiner laptop.” This months-long investigation included a review of federal court records and affidavits, cellphone text messages, and emails sent by key FBI personnel, along with internal bureau memos, reviews and meeting notes documented in government reports. Information also was gleaned through interviews with FBI agents and supervisors, prosecutors and other law enforcement officials, as well as congressional investigators and public-interest lawyers.

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