He’s All In! Trump Calls For Criminal Referral Against Deep State, Dirty Dossier-Pushing Coup Leaders

Kirsters Baish| Fox News legal expert Gregg Jarrett made some comments on Sean Hannity’s show this week which struck a nerve in President Donald Trump, inspiring him to tweet on the matter.

Jarrett stated that the FISA judge should be calling on Department of Justice as well as FBI operatives who are behind the FISA warrants which allowed them to surveil the 2016 Trump presidential campaign as well as the Trump White House.

He also stated that it’s time to press charges against these operatives.

President Trump agreed with Jarrett’s sentiment.

President Trump tweeted, “‘Ohr told the FBI it (the Fake Dossier) wasn’t true, it was a lie and the FBI was determined to use it anyway to damage Trump and to perpetrate a fraud on the court to spy on the Trump campaign. This is a fraud on the court.

The Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court is in charge of the FISA court. He should direct the Presiding Judge, Rosemary Collier, to hold a hearing, haul all of these people from the DOJ & FBI in there, & if she finds there were crimes committed, and there were, there should be a criminal referral by her….’ @GreggJarrett”

Donald J. Trump


“Ohr told the FBI it (the Fake Dossier) wasn’t true, it was a lie and the FBI was determined to use it anyway to damage Trump and to perpetrate a fraud on the court to spy on the Trump campaign. This is a fraud on the court. The Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court is in……

Donald J. Trump


…charge of the FISA court. He should direct the Presiding Judge, Rosemary Collier, to hold a hearing, haul all of these people from the DOJ & FBI in there, & if she finds there were crimes committed, and there were, there should be a criminal referral by her….” @GreggJarrett

Both Gregg Jarrett and President Donald Trump are 100% correct. It’s time to see Andrew McCabe, James Comey, Rod Rosenstein, and every other corrupt government official who was involved with the illegal surveillance of the Trump campaign to be held accountable for what they did.

It’s time to see justice served to those who have believed for so long that they are above the law.

President Trump wants the truth to be spread to the American people, because we deserve the truth.

He explained that if the presiding judge, Judge Rosemary Collier, “finds there were crimes committed” she must make a criminal referral.

It’s time to get to the bottom of all of the lies, and by bringing in the FBI and DOJ officials responsible for this mess, we will be able to do just that.

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