DOJ IG report reveals that the Clinton/Lynch tarmac meeting was planned and coordinated by the Secret Service and FBI

Democrats are compulsive liars. I figure the DNC conducts a periodic nationwide lecture series on effective lying to properly train their up-and-coming candidates.

It has now been revealed, on Page 203 of the DOJ IG report, that the infamous tarmac meeting between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch was not an accidental, spontaneous event as they both claimed, where they discussed golf and grandchildren.

Rather, the meeting was planned and coordinated by Bill Clinton’s Secret Service detail and Loretta Lynch’s FBI detail. Here’s hoping that those individuals are subpoenaed by Congress to find out what they know about the topic of the meeting, which isn’t a mystery (not prosecuting Hillary), but confirming an egregious injustice.

From BizPac Review

Stunning revelations from the IG report by DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz suggests that the 2016 tarmac meeting between then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton was coordinated — contradicting their claims that the meeting was accidental and coincidental.

In 2016, Lynch — the U.S. attorney general under Barack Obama — secretly met for 30 minutes with Bill Clinton on an airport tarmac in Arizona. At the time, then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was being investigated by the FBI over her 30,000 deleted emails and her destroyed government-issued phones, which she and her team smashed with hammers.

Several days after the tarmac meeting, the DOJ (which was headed by then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch) decided not to file any charges against Hillary for her unauthorized use of an unsecured, private email server to conduct government business and her mass-deletion of 30,000 emails.

Page 203 of the IG report suggests that Bill Clinton’s Secret Service detail had contacted Lynch’s FBI detail about their meeting:

As BizPac Review as reported, Lynch and Clinton claimed they only discussed grandchildren and golf during their rendezvous.

Sounds an awful lot like, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.”
“Our conversation was a great deal about grandchildren…and he mentioned golf he played in Phoenix,” Lynch said at the time.
An anchor for ABC News in Alabama said there’s no evidence that Clinton had played golf during his visit. “Two years later and I have not found a person who can confirm that former President Clinton played golf during that trip to Phoenix,” Christopher Sign remarked.
Furthermore, page 209 of the IG Report suggests that people nearby were instructed not to take any photos of the tarmac meeting: “The OPA Supervisor said that there was a photographer outside, and he recalled telling the photographer that Lynch would not be taking pictures. The OPA Supervisor said that he remembered telling the photographer that he (the photographer) needed to go back in his car.”
And page 210 of the IG report states:
“The Senior Counselor said that when she tried to go back on the plane, she was stopped by the head of Lynch’s security detail, who was at the door of the plane. The Senior Counselor said that she told him that Lynch’s meeting with former President Clinton was not a good idea, and that she needed to get back on the plane, but he still would not let her on.
The Senior Counselor said that she then asked him to convey to Lynch that she was advising that the meeting was a bad idea. According to the Senior Counselor, he told her, “All right, why don’t you tell her yourself,” and finally allowed her to board.”

Less than a week after the Lynch-Clinton tarmac meeting, then-FBI Director James Comey (whose boss was Loretta Lynch) announced that the FBI would not recommend an indictment against Hillary. Coincidence?

Democrat = professional liar.

Only a fool would believe that Slick and Loretta Lynch’s tarmac meeting was a spontaneous, accidental event. It was planned and coordinated, and the planners and coordinators are being very quiet…. for now.

It is only a matter of time before one conscientious patriot among them steps forward and delivers the damning testimony that this meeting was, in fact, a planned event.


ReadMore: PWS

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