Parents Furious: 11yo Girl “Paralyzed” By Fear During ‘Consensual’ Sex With 28yo Man

A recent court decision in France has sparked outrage among the French people after prosecutors declared that an 11-year-old girl  “consented” to sex with a 28-year-old man after he lured her from a park. The man apparently promised to teach the young girl how to kiss. But once they got to his apartment, he reportedly had sex with the girl according to prosecutors.

The family was naturally outraged and wanted the monster to be charged with rape claiming their daughter was “paralyzed” by fear and “unable to defend herself.”

But then prosecutors made a terrible decision and said the girl engaged in “consensual sex.” They said, “there was no violence, no constraint, no threat, and no surprise” on the part of the man to justify the charge of rape, The Local reported.

“Essentially they judged that she had consented to the sexual encounter because she was not physically forced into the act,” The Local reported.

The girl’s mother insists her daughter was raped.

“She thought it was too late, that she didn’t have the right to protest, that it wouldn’t make any difference, so she went into auto pilot, without emotion and without reaction,” the mother told the Mediapart news site.

One expert on similar cases told Le Figaro that “submitting was not consenting”.

Rape victims, the expert said, sometimes “switch off” and no longer feel fear. This is especially true among child victims, the expert told the paper.

Rights group Le Voix de l’Enfant said in a statement: “The question of consent or its absence should never even be asked when it comes to rape victims who are minors”.

Other groups have called for the French legal system to introduce a legal age under which sexual consent is never presumed.

H/T Daily Wire

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