Porn Addicted Lawyer Goes To Court To Have Marriage Recognized … To A Computer [VIDEO]

Yes, you read that right. An officer of the court, is bastardizing marriage and promoting the perversion of porn. And doing it through our courts.

After marrying his computer, he wants his marriage recognized.

H/T: Conservative Tribune

A man suing the state of Alabama for refusing to recognize his marriage has some pretty far out ideas, but he’s only taking the liberal-progressive agenda to a logical conclusion.

Chris Sevier claims to have married his laptop computer in New Mexico and is arguing in court that if same-sex marriage is legal, then his marriage to his MacBook Pro should be as well. had this:

Sevier filed a federal lawsuit in Alabama’s Northern District on Aug. 31 alleging his rights, along with the rights of individuals his complaint identifies as “an ex-gay” and “an ex-transgender,” were violated by Gov. Kay Ivey, Attorney General Steve Marshall and Blount County Probate Judge Chris Green.

In the filing, Sevier claimed he “married an object in New Mexico with female like features” and asked Green to either recognize the union or issue him a new marriage license. “Defendant Green issues marriage licenses to individuals who self-identify as homosexual, but he refuses to issue marriage licenses to zoophiles, machinists, and polygamists license on a basis that can only be described as procedurally arbitrary,” the complaint states.

And this isn’t the first time this guy pulled a stunt like this.

Sevier is not a stranger to controversial opinions.

Last year, he got some attention when he supported a tax on pornography and software filters installed on all computers and mobile devices that would prevent users from viewing pornographic material. Users could have the the filters removed for a price.

Listen to this:

This guy seems to be obsessed with porn and the internet. He doesn’t need a court ruling, he needs a shrink.

Image: Screen Shot


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