ANTIFA Brutally Attacks Peaceful Patriot Prayer Rally In Portland [VIDEO]

It looked like a scene from an Eastern European protest march, but in reality, what began with a prayer for peace and unity turned into a full blown melee in Portland, Oregon this afternoon.

The organizer of the rally, Joey Gibson, 34, the first declared Republican candidate looking to unseat Sen. Maria Cantwell, D-Washington, a popular three-term incumbent with a whopping war chest, gave a motivating speech calling for peace across all political ideologies and between political parties.

After the opening prayer and some high octane, pro-America speeches, the group began their march down the street and within minutes ANTIFA began throwing m-80’s, smoke bombs and fireworks at the patriots.

Liberty One Broadcasting host and Unite America First founder, Will Johnson, was right in the middle of the action, gagging and choking on the smoke from pepper spray and gas grenades, Will reported that as they left the Federal park area where the permit for the rally was ok’d, ANTIFA terrorists attacked them with sticks and other blunt objects.
According to witnesses, hundreds of people on both sides began fighting for several minutes and according to Johnson, the law enforcement officials assigned to keep the rally-goers safe did nothing to stop the leftist radicals from attacking the Patriots as they marched.

This is a developing story and we will keep this article updated.



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