Trump Jr. Humiliates Maxine Waters After She Tells Fans to Attack Trump Officials, Attempting To Incite Riots

Not even a week after White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her family were asked to leave a Democrat-owned Virginia restaurant, Democratic California Representative Maxine Waters got on stage, urging her supporters to attack any and all Trump administration officials that they see in public.

Waters actually got on stage and said, “If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”

Ryan Saavedra ??


Maxine Waters calls for attacks on Trump administration: “If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”

Donald Trump Jr. immediately responded to the disgusting comments about attacking the Trump administration. He totally shut down Maxine Waters and all of the Democrats who are trying to drive out the Trump White House.


President Trump’s son wasn’t the only one shaming the left. Meghan McCain made no qualms about slamming Waters for her despicable comments and threats.

The Democrats have got to get a handle on themselves. These attacks have got to stop. The most ironic part of the whole thing is that they are attacking the Trump administration for a policy that was put into place by George W. Bush, a policy that Barack Obama did nothing to stop.

Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen was just attacked last week while dining at a Mexican restaurant. Then, on Friday, liberal protesters decided to take it a step further and go to Nielsen’s Virginia townhouse, where they waited outside for her, taunting her. They yelled things like “No justice, no sleep.”

A protester with a British accent could be heard screaming, “History will remember you! You belong in the Hague! You’re a modern-day Nazi!”

The co-director of the group, Heidi Hess, released a statement in which she called the Department of Homeland Security Secretary a “child snatcher.”

Fox News reports:

Virginia is for lovers of political correctness, as we learned this weekend when White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders was thrown out of The Red Hen in Lexington, Virginia, on Friday night. The restaurant’s owner sanctimoniously declared the establishment has to uphold “certain standards.”

Evidently she means the standard of resisting President Trump, by refusing to serve steak or french fries, or a hen that’s red – or whatever it is that they serve – to an employee of the man they loathe because they’re “tolerant,” or something like that.

This political correctness is quickly approaching dangerous and irrational levels the likes of which we’ve never witnessed before. In the age of social media anyone can seize an opportunity to publicly take a stand against President Trump, and know that it could easily become national news and give them their 15 minutes of fame in the process.

So, anyone who is a part of the Trump administration, and anyone who supports the Trump administration seem to be free game for the left. Can you just imagine if a Conservative Representative had gotten up on stage during Obama’s presidency and called for supporters to attack officials? The outcome would be very very different.
Omar Navarro is running against Maxine Waters. He hopes to “give the people of the 43rd an independent voice in Congress- not one beholden to special interests and career politicians.” His website lays out what the Republican candidate is all about. Take a look here.

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