In 2009, the very last McDonald’s cheeseburger was sold in Iceland as they closed down all of their restaurants in the country. Instead of eating it, one man decided he wanted to try and see if it would decompose over time.
Hjörtur Smárason reportedly purchased the very last McDonald’s cheeseburger in the entire country before deciding to do an experiment. For three years, the cheeseburger and a side of fries were kept in a plastic bag, and to Smárason’s surprise, none of the food seemed to change at all.
“I had heard something about McDonald’s never decaying so I just wanted to find out for myself whether this was true or not,” Smárason explained.
Initially, the man decided to donate the meal to the National Museum of Iceland after realizing it had gone unchanged for three years. Recently, however, the museum returned the burger and fries to Smárason because they believed they could no longer preserve it.
“I think [the museum] was wrong because this hamburger preserves itself,” Smárason said.
Reports say that while the meal was at the museum, some of the fries were eaten by guests, despite being so old.
Sources:The Reykjavik Grapevine, Huffington Post UK
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