Lacy MacAuley is a violent left-wing nut who helps organize Antifa Communist riots across America, and was featured in Project Veritas’ undercover video where she was one of the morons behind the violent disrupt protests during Trump’s inauguration. Just like every other brain dead moron on the left, MacAuley fell in love with Muslims and Islam and became obsessed with helping Muslim terrorists disguised as refugees, determined to prove to the world that Islam is a “religion of peace.”
But shortly after falling in love with a Muslim and moving with him to Turkey, her little world of unicorns and rainbows would soon be destroyed. Through her blog, she would go on to tell the world about the horrifying things her Muslim boyfriend put her through, describing the fear and hell she lived in as he began practicing Sharia Law on her, controlling her every move as he beat and raped her for going against his wishes.
Here’s a few snippets from Lacy the Muslim lover’s blog. It’s quite entertaining to watch as her eyes are opened to the true meaning of Islam.
I am a radical activist based in Washington DC. I fell in love with an energetic, charismatic activist I met in November when I was present to write about resistance to the G20 Summit, a global event in Antalya, Turkey. After I came home to the US, we talked every day. He was lovely and charming, I thought at the time. He offered a ready smile, engaging kindness, and intelligent conversation. He said all the right things to convince me that he cared about women’s rights and activism. In February, I decided to return to Turkey with the promise of love driving me forward. I couldn’t have known things would turn sour.
The first two weeks were quite the love story. I observed that he was drinking heavily, and called him an “alky,” but it was just a joke at first. We went to the beach and historic sites, and he introduced me to his friends. All seemed to be going well, and I felt that the romance was solidly moving forward.
Then came our first fight. I had wanted to interview a local woman for an article on Syrian refugees. He did not approve. He knew the woman and did not like her, so he strictly forbade me from speaking with her. After I questioned his rationale, he yelled and stormed out of the room to go smoke a cigarette. I just stood in the middle of the room not knowing what to do. Of course, as a Western woman, no one had ever forbidden me from speaking with anyone else. It was a strange feeling: Don’t I have a mouth to speak? Why can I not use it as I wish?
Then MacAuley discusses her feminist background that would’ve prevented her from being with a Muslim had she known what they truly believe. But of course this lesson came too late, as she would soon learn:
This is elementary feminism. No man has the power to silence a woman, just because he is a man. How far backwards things would slide in the coming weeks.
What I found over the next few weeks was absolute frustration of my efforts to do my advocacy work. I had put myself in a place of dependence upon a person who, as it turned out, would have liked to keep me by his side and control my every move. He hindered, rather than helped, the work I tried to do there.
Hilariously, MacAuley would soon realize that people who criticize Islam are not bigots at all…as her life was transformed into a living hell with her Muslim boyfriend.
Things deteriorated rapidly. His insecurity and childishness got worse. In the following weeks, I was violently pushed, blocked from leaving freely, and repeatedly told not to speak. If I spoke anyway, anger erupted. I endured threats that I would be burnt with cigarettes, flinching as he “faked” with his lit cigarette. I had to duck to avoid having sharp objects thrown at my face. I had water angrily poured over my head.
Unwanted sex? Rape? All the time. He did not stop to determine whether I consented to sex. Several times, he turned off my wifi and lied about it, a modern-day form of gaslighting. He verbally criticized me for using social media, my main link to the rest of my life back in the US, and tried to discourage me from using it. He forced me to unfriend one Turkish man on Facebook, and wanted me to unfriend many more.
MacAuley then went into detail how she was victimized by other Muslims, and jailed by Turkish police because she was a journalist from America.
Two days later, however, I was jailed by Turkish police for several hours when I tried to simply enter a large public speech in Antalya by the president of Turkey. (They make a habit of jailing reporters and activists, and I didn’t look like I fit their norms. I wrote about this experience with the Turkish police here.) I had an “out of the frying pan and into the fire” sensation.
What’s even more ironic is even after MacAuley’s up close and personal experience with true Islam, she is still in denial. No matter how many times she was beaten and raped by her Muslim boyfriend, she still manages to believe that he believes in women’s rights, going on to state on her blog that he still “saw the silver lining in her activism.”
This story just goes to prove that liberalism truly is a mental disorder. This idiotic woman will still continue to push for left-wing totalitarianism. Too bad that Turkish prison couldn’t have kept her locked up a little longer. Sounds like MacAuley still has a long way to go before she finally wakes from her fantasy world of unicorns and rainbows!
H/T [FreedomDaily Gateway Pundit]
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