Kirsters Baish | White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders has an incredible hard job. Her job requires her to stand up in front of the feeding frenzy of liberal press, who constantly belittle her. The questions that the media shoot at her on the daily could fill up a book on dumb things to say. Their attitudes are even worse than their sentiments, as they constant attack her appearances, accent, and overall being.
CNN reporter Jim Acosta is no stranger to picking on Sanders. Well, the Daily Caller released a Mother’s Day special yesterday directed towards the mothers in the Trump administration.
From the Daily Caller:
Sanders has an often combative relationship with CNN’s White House correspondent Jim Acosta. TheDC asked who is more difficult to work with: her children or Jim Acosta?
Her response did not disappoint.
“Probably depends on the day. Both of them whine pretty regularly. They both like to ask the same questions and sometimes their tone needs to be adjusted a little bit. So I think that having kids has prepared me for the job that I have right now. In all seriousness, I think that having kids is great preparation for anything — especially a job you need patience for and they have certainly prepared me for this one.”
What a perfect response! I wonder what her response would have been if they had asked her who is more mature, Jim Acosta or her children? It’s great to see that Sarah Huckabee Sanders still has her sense of humor after having had to deal with these liberal reporters every day since stepping into her role as White House Press Secretary.
Hopefully Sarah and all of the other moms in the White House had a relaxing Mother’s Day weekend, free of liberal reporters and low blows on their appearances and character.
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