Rep. Trey Gowdy has spoken up and puts the leaker Adam Schiff back in his place.
Trey Gowdy is fed up! One of the biggest leakers in the swamp is Adam Schiff himself. The liberal left loves to spend their time complaining like toddlers about Devin Nunes and politicization of the Intel Committee. But what they all forget is that it all started with leaky Adam Schiff in the first place.
Every institution he takes a vow to protect Adam turns his back and leaks information doing serious damage. As he continues to do his dirty work, he is making in nearly impossible for Trey and Devin to do their jobs leading intel oversight. Their job is to protect the USA and look over the intelligence community. However, Schiff’s crooked leaking of classified info is making it impossible to do their job.
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Looks like Trey Gowdy has had enough of Schiff’s games.
From the Washington Examiner:
Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., denounced “exchanging letters and seeing who can leak them the quickest” as a poor way for him and his colleagues in Congress to successfully obtain information they seek from the executive branch of government.
Instead, the House Oversight chairman hailed face-to-face interactions being far more effective, as evidenced by what he described was a “productive” classified briefing with intelligence community leaders that followed a subpoena for information regarding special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation.
“I think we’re getting farther taking this approach meeting eyeball to eyeball as opposed to exchanging letters and seeing who can leak them the quickest. That is not constructive,” Gowdy said during a Fox News segment Friday evening.
“What is constructive is to have a conversation and I think we’re making progress toward accessing the document,” he added.
Meet like men face to face and get the job done, rather than sneak around and leak to Rachel Maddow like a thief in the night.
Cut the nonsense Schiff and start putting the country first.
Read more AJR
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