WATCH: Gowdy Annihilates Comey Over Fox News Interview, Leaves Him Begging His Lawyer To Rescue Him

Gowdy sure knows how to turn up the heat on James Comey.

As hard as he may try, James Comey has one critic he can’t con. During an interview with Tucker Carson, the South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy ripped apart points of the former FBI director’s most recent versions of the events that led up to Comey being fired by the the President last year.

We have proof that James Comey is a huge liar and would not know the truth if it slapped him in the face. Soon Comey is not going to be able to climb out of the deep hole he is digging himself into. 

According to bb4sp:

South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy reacts to fired FBI Director James Comey’s comments in the interview with ‘Special Report’ anchor and the potential legal implications.

It is always more difficult to remember lies than it is to remember the truth.

Liberty Alliance@libertyalliance

Trey Gowdy couldn’t believe what he saw during James Comey’s interview on Fox News. 

Watch: Gowdy Blows the Lid Off Comey’s Fox News Interview, Mentions ‘Felony’

‘He doesn’t remember a lot…’


James Comey’s got at least one critic he can’t con.

In an interview with Fox News’ Tucker Carson on Thursday night, South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy took apart some of the former FBI director’s latest versions of the events that led up to and directly followed Comey’s firing by President Donald Trump last year.

And he all but called Comey a liar in the process.

In an appearance earlier Thursday on Fox News “Special Report,” Comey made a series of claims from his time as FBI director investigating “collusion” between the Donald Trump presidential campaign and Russia.

Comey told host Bret Baier that he isn’t sure how much of the infamous, now debunked “Trump dossier,” compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele, was paid for by the Democrat National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign.

He downplayed the importance of the dossier in obtaining a warrant to spy on Trump associate Carter Page. More

Thomas Sassin@milam1762

When Are People Going To Wake Up And Realize Comey Was Part Of The Plan To Destroy America From Within????? 

Watch: Gowdy Blows the Lid Off Comey’s Fox News Interview, Mentions ‘Felony’

‘He doesn’t remember a lot…’

Washington Examiner


Trey Gowdy: James Comey’s definition of a leak “is what the rest of us call a felony” 

Washington Examiner


Trey Gowdy: James Comey’s definition of a leak “is what the rest of us call a felony” 

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