The RUDEST and CRUDEST Airline Passengers You Could EVER Imagine [VIDEO]

Rude, crude and downright dirty.

A former flight attendant is publicly outing passengers who who behave badly on commercial flights –capturing them doing everything from putting their feet on the seat in front to peeing in the bathroom sink–and posting images on social media.

Shawn Kathleen, who wants to be known only by her first name, was flight attendant for seven years.  Said she started “Passenger Shaming,” on Facebookand Instagram, to expose how people really act when flying.


The idea for Passenger Shaming came about after the success of her other blog,Rants Of A Sassy Stew, which she started over five years ago to catalogue her experiences as a flight attendant.

“I started by ranting about passengers and how ridiculous people are. I just said to myself really? How is this behavior acceptable you’re a grown man!” she told “The blog started becoming more popular and I got people sending things to me. They started to commiserate so I just decided to branch out.”

Her collection of photos include people’s feet in places where they don’t belong: in the air, on the backs of or in between of someone’s seat.  Also there are plenty pictures of hands where they shouldn’t be either.  (We won’t go into further detail on that one.)  Some images are down right disgusting, like the one with a bathroom basin full of urine.



The photos are submitted to Shawn Kathleen by anonymous fliers and flight attendants who want to share what they witness. The popular Facebook andInstagram sites boast about 45,000 and 60,000 followers respectively.

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