As the controversy builds around the death of the strongest conservative Supreme Court Justice, there’s one more bit of suspicious info that is being revealed.
That will be for you the readers to decide.
The photo below is Barack Obama shaking hands with a man by the name of John Poindexter, a Texas millionaire businessman also noted for being a donor to the Democrat Party and who also received an award from Barack Obama related to his military service in Vietnam.
Poindexter is the owner of the very Cibolo Creek Ranch Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was found dead at earlier this week.
It has been long-standing policy for the Obama administration to grant presidential awards to those who are among the president’s most prized political donors.
It was Poindexter who reportedly was among those who initially discovered the Justice’s body, and who then coordinated with local officials to have Justice Scalia declared dead via a phone conversation with the area medical examiner – but without an actual medical examination of the body.
Mr. Poindexter was also said to be the primary point man between the ranch location and federal authorities who were notably slow to arrive on scene.
To date, there is said to have been no request for an autopsy even though initial reports suggest the Supreme Court Justice was found with a “pillow over his head” and had died alone in his room without any apparent witnesses. Scalia was described as having been in good spirits in the hours prior to his death.
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