Three Things You Should NEVER EVER Order In A Restaurant According To Gordon Ramsay

Generous and outspoken with his culinary insight, Gordon Ramsay is not one to sit on the fence about, well, anything.

If he’s not banishing his kids from flying first class with him, he’s crushing the dreams of would-be restaurateurs, telling them via Twitter their dishes resemble something fished out of a toilet bowl.

So it’s safe to say you can expect brutal honesty from Gordon, the man who coined the term “idiot sandwich.” The TV chef, who is said to have earned $54million last year alone, has now given his three golden rules on what to (not) order in when dining out.

We hope you’re paying attention.

1. The specials board

Your waiter will draw your eye to the tantalizing morsels lovingly chalked on the specials board, but is it all its cracked up to be? According to his interview with the Mail Online, the answer to this is “no.” This is particularly the case when the specials board is rather long.

“Specials are there to disappear throughout the evening,” he said. “When they list 10 specials, that’s not special.” Which is a fair point.

2. Suspicious boasts

Many restaurants like to personalize their dishes. This, the chef explains, should raise a red flag.

“When they turn around and tell me it is the ‘famous red lasagne,’ who made it famous?” he asks.

“They start coming up with these terminologies, saying ‘and the wicked, famous, best in the country profiteroles. Who said that? Who named that?”

3. The house wine

On this point, we’re all ears. All this time we’ve been ordering the second cheapest on the wine list and thinking we’ve been really clever. As it turns out, we were wrong. What we should have been doing is asking the sommelier for the ‘bin end’ list (bottles with scratched labels or poor sellers).

“We have a fear about talking to sommeliers because you think you’re going to be ripped off.

“So get the sommelier to come up with a great glass or great bottle and give him a price. And make sure it’s under $30 (£23.50).”

Source: Mirror.UK

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