Facebook in Full Out War Against Conservatives- Censors Massive Amount Of Conservative Pages

This is a post that a collection of the pages have been sharing, after reading about it you can read how YOU can help:

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Facebook is censoring our page because they disagree with our political speech and because we are among the most pro-Trump fan page on their platform.
They have cut the reach of our links by over 90% over the last few weeks. That’s a 90% decrease on top of the 50-70% decrease we saw this May.
If Christian bakers are legally bound to bake cakes for same sex weddings, Facebook must treat our page exactly as they do every other one. Do you agree?
Furthermore, we have paid Facebook hundreds of thousands of dollars to acquire our audience. Facebook took this money from us and has since taken away the ability to reach our fans. This is classic bait and switch.


A group of conservatives and middle grounders have joined forces to create a place free of censorship. The unique thing is while they aren’t always in agreement, they can agree on one thing. FREEDOM of SPEECH! If we can come together on this what else might we come together on? Join the movement its free and easy to join. While its not “facebook” it is a social network like place to share anything from recipes to photos of the kids.


We are at a cross roads, if we don’t do something now….. We never have the chance again. Below is the info to join.


Click HERE to signup.


If you want to make it easy you can “signup” using your facebook account for faster/easier signup. HERE

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