Laura Plummer, a British woman was arrested and jailed when authorities discovered a bottle of Tramadol pills that she was attempting to give to her husband when she flew into Egypt. At this time, Laura Plummer has spent a month in jail and could face the death penalty if convicted. Even if she is not convicted she will face 7 years in prison either way. Her husband left her shortly after the arrest and refuses to have anything to do with her.
She told police the large quantity of pills were for her husband Omar Caboo to help ease back pain he has suffered since a car accident two years ago. But since the 33-year-old shop worker from Hull, East Yorkshire, has been locked she has reportedly been dumped by Caboo.
He has vanished from the resort of Hurghada and has had no contact with her family while she languished in jail fearing for her life. Caboo, 34, is said to have fled back to his home in the city of Luxor days after Plummer was arrested.
A police source said Caboo had not visited Plummer at the prison where she is being held in a 15ftby 15ft cell with 25 other women.
‘The only visitors the woman has had have been her lawyer and her family, ‘ said a police source.
Although she called Omar her husband they were not legally married. He already had a wife and children, but under Muslim law was allowed to take a second wife.
The romeo is also said to have had other lovers while living in Hurghada as Laura was only able to visit him two to four times a year. Her sister Jayne Synclair said the pair had signed ‘documents’ 18 months ago which allowed them to sleep together in an apartment during her visits.
She met him four years ago when she was visiting the Red Sea resort and fell in love. Family members said it was Caboo who asked her to bring the painkillers to Egypt to help him cope with a back pain.
The Tramadol pills are banned in the Egypt as they are often sold on the black market as a heroin substitute because they are so powerful and addictive. Police sources said Caboo would have known they are banned when he asked his ‘wife’ to bring them into the country.
Tramadol can only be obtained by a doctor’s prescription in the UK and Ms Plummer told her family a friend at work supplied the 10 strips of tablets. She was arrested on October 9th when she flew into Hurghada International Airport for a two-week visit.
The banned drugs were found on the top of her suitcase – proof her family say that she was not a smuggler but just naive. Ms. Plummer signed a 38-page document in Arabic that he thought would allow her to continue with her holiday but was instead locked up.
She has been held in detention in cells at the Hurghada 1st Police station on the outskirts of the town since October 9th. She was due to appear in court today but the hearing was postponed until the weekend.
Her lawyer warned today that even if she can prove her innocence she still faces at least seven years jail. Mohamed Osman told The Sun: ‘If she is convicted of deliberately bringing them in to sell she faces the death penalty or 25 years.
‘If it’s believed she brought them for her husband she will still be jailed.’
Laura has begged her family to help her get out of prison and her mother Roberta, sister Jayne and brother Kirk traveled from their home in Hull to support her during the fourth court appearance.
The trio faced an exhausting 2,700 mile trip from Hull on an overnight flight to reach Hurghada. The flew on budget airline Wizz Air from Luton to Prague in Czechoslovakia and rushed to catch another budget airline flight to Hurghada.
Family sources said they are ‘very concerned’ for Laura’s well being and she pleaded for help to get her released. The family was fleeced by a local lawyer who offered to help secure his release.
The Plummer family paid £10,000 to the lawyer but he failed to act on her behalf and they said there is no chance of seeing the money again. The British Embassy in Cairo arranged for a reputable lawyer to represent her in future hearings. Her father Neville told MailOnline: ‘It has cost me a fortune, but I don’t care. I just want my daughter back home.’
It is not uncommon for foreign countries to have such harsh penalties for bringing in drugs of any kind. Unfortunately for Laura Plummer, she just didn’t think about the consequences of her actions and is now paying the price.
H/T DailyMail
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