Shocking Moment Uber Passenger Wearing A Bra Is Caught Stealing Money From Her Driver’s Tip Jar [VIDEO]

A recent video has been making the rounds on the internet thanks to a gutsy move by a woman who was seen stealing an Uber drivers hard-earned tips thanks to a hidden camera the driver had installed on his front dash. The footage is invoking many people’s anger with some even calling her a “low life scum”.

Why would anybody steal tips from someone who went out of their way to give you a ride at a reasonable rate? Uber definitely beats taxi service but unfortunately for this woman, she will never be able to ride in an Uber again.

A woman was caught on camera brazenly emptying her Uber driver’s tip jar while staring straight into the dash cam. The incident was caught on camera as the driver dropped off a group of friends in New York City.

During the video, which runs for about two minutes, there is no suggestion whatsoever that the woman, who is wearing a bra and skirt, is about to make off with the money and she doesn’t even appear to glance down at the waiting dollar bills.

But just as she prepares to get out of the car, the woman puts her hand in the jar but then stops, and almost appears to back out of her plan. Then, while still looking at the camera directly, she finally puts her entire hand inside the box and takes the money along with her.

The trio then dash across the street with the driver seemingly unaware of what just happened. It is only moments later that he notices something unusual out of the corner of his eye – that his tip jar is entirely empty.

According to the driver, Uber responded with a canned response when he emailed them about the incident.

‘We understand your frustration with this experience. We’ve attempted to contact the rider by phone and email, but haven’t been able to resolve this issue. The rider responded to us and advised us that she didn’t steal your cash from the tip jar. If you believe the rider has your cash as captured from your dash cam and is refusing to return it, you may want to initiate a formal investigation via the police.’

The driver says he was too busy working to file a police report after the video was filmed in August of this year. However, Uber tell they have been in contact with the man to offer support.

Meanwhile, the thief has since had her account deactivated by the ride-sharing company and is no longer allowed to used the service.

‘What’s been shown has no place on our app and the rider’s access to the app has been removed,’ as spokesman for Uber said.

Although the entire app is cashless, Uber drivers now have the freedom to solicit tips from passengers.

While the company has never strictly prohibited tipping, the company has now made it clear that tips are allowed.


During the video, which runs for about two minutes, there is no suggestion whatsoever that the woman, who is wearing a bra and skirt, is about to make off with the money and she doesn’t even appear to glance down at the waiting dollar bills.

Passenger steals all of the tip money from her Uber driver


H/T Daily Mail


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