The John Jay professor who tweeted about wanting to see all cops dead is also the client on a fetish site and to say the least this guy is a perverted freak. Michael Isaacson, who is no longer teaching at John Jay College says he is Pansexual. That means he likes men and women and women who identify as men and men who identify as women. His profile was created long before his excursion into antifa cop hating.
Writing under the name fellowspacecadet, Isaacson said he was looking for a ‘play partner’ and ‘mentor’.
He said he was ‘dominant’ over a recent partner but that only because they’d requested him to be, adding: ‘I think that itself is indicative of my subby (submissive) side.’
In a list of interests, he said he was ‘curious about calling my subs dirty fascist lapdog w*****s’ and was open to group sex.
He proudly categorized himself as an ‘anarchist’ who lives in New Jersey and said that while writing his profile, he was in ‘dissertation hell’.
‘I was just trying to be a normal a** anarchist in PhD limbo but then I got myself a poly sub so here I am I guess.
‘Now I am stuck in this rabbit hole chasing better consent practices and unrealized kinks.’
Here is his list of things he is into:
They came to light after he appeared on Tucker Carlson Tonight to discuss his appearance at anti-fa events.
After seeing the tweet, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio slammed the man and called for him to be fired.
‘New York City won’t stand for the vile anti-police rhetoric of Michael Isaacson and neither should John Jay College,’ he said.
Unrepentant, Isaacson responded by pointing out de Blasio’s track record for letting down the NYPD and accused him of infringing his ‘free speech’.
Aren’t you happy to know this is the type of professors teaching your kids?
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