The Most Embarrassing Date: She Blocks the Loo With Poo Then Gets Stuck in a Window [VIDEO]

Don’t you just hate it when you are on a romantic date and you go to dump a loaf and clog up the toilet?  What to do?  If you are this unnamed girl, you dig the loaf out of the toilet and you fling it out the window.  But you need to make sure it doesn’t get stuck.  A thing like that is a real mood killer, especially when you are forced to ask your date to help you retrieve it.  Even worse, she got stuck in the window and had to call the firefighters to get her out.

Her date, student Liam Smyth, 24, was a good sport about it and boosted her up so that she could retrieve the turd that had fallen down between two window panes.  But once she got into the correct position that she found that she was stuck and couldn’t get back up.  You might say she was up shit’s creek without a paddle.  Smyth called the fire department and they came out to extricate her from the window.

 After getting wedged upside down in the gap, she had to be rescued by firefighters who were called to Smyth’s house in Bristol.

He has now launched a GoFundMe page to replace the broken window – which raised £300 in the first three hours.

Recounting the hilarious story, Smyth – a postgraduate studying sociology at Bristol University – said: ‘I recently took a girl I met on tinder to Nandos. We had a lovely evening, and enjoyed each other’s company very much.

‘After our meal, we repaired back to my house for a bottle of wine and a scientology documentary. About an hour in to Louis Theroux and chill, my date got up to use the toilet.

‘She returned with a panicked look in her eye, and told me she had something to tell me. “I went for a poo in your toilet”, she told me, and it would not flush.

‘She continued, “I don’t know why I did this, but I panicked. I reached into the toilet bowl, wrapped it in tissue paper, and threw it out of the window”.’

If they make it as a couple, what a humdinger of a story they will have to tell their grandchildren.  And if they don’t make it, there’s always Facebook.

H/T Mail Online

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