Kershaw County Sheriff Jim Matthews wants to congratulate a resident who held a wanted fugitive captive at gunpoint until police arrived.
“I don’t know who he is, but I’m going to congratulate him as soon as I can because he did a heck of a job,” Matthews said.
The incident occurred near Charles Belcher location when he found 21-year-old wanted fugitive Christopher Cravets after deputies were searching for the suspect. The incident began on Tuesday, August 30, about 10:30 AM, according to WLTX. Belcher happened to be in the area at the time and was unaware that police were searching for a suspect. It was only when his girlfriend told him that he took action.
“The only thing I was worried about was if he had a gun and if he was going to try and shoot me or whatever, which I was hoping that we weren’t going to go to that distance,” Belcher said.
Belcher, a Fairfield County medic, was visiting his girlfriend.
“Come out to my truck, got my gun because I had seen the cops walking around and they had said that he was armed and dangerous and in just a few minutes I came out here to check the white car and didn’t see anything. Come out here to check the green (Ford) Explorer and saw somebody in the back and I just pulled my weapon and ordered him out of the vehicle and made him get out on the ground before the cops got here,” he said.
Deputies arrived back on the scene within minutes.
“They came and took him in custody and it was over with quicker than it started,” Belcher said.
Matthews said Cravets is being charged with armed robbery, possession of a fireman during the commission of a violent crime and second degree burglary.
“He pistol-whipped a girl and tried to rob her at gunpoint. We will never turn down civilian assistance when we have a situation like that because we’re pretty shorthanded and even though we had a SLED helicopter up, we need all of the help we can get and this guy stepped up to the plate and he did the right thing,” Matthews said.
Belcher commented after the incident that his girlfriend thinks he is a hero, to which he responded:
“I’m not really famous, I just feared for my life and her’s,” Belcher said.
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