Creepy Moment Japanese Citizens Hear Sirens And Take Cover, As North Korean Missile Flies Overhead [WATCH]


“The missile launched by North Korea flew over Japan,” Pentagon spokesman US Army Col. Rob Manning said, according to CNN International. “We are still in the process of assessing this launch.”


The missile of unidentified type passed over Hokkaido, the northernmost of Japan’s main islands, and is estimated to have fallen in the Pacific Ocean, about 730 miles east of the Erimo Cape.


“We have to say that this morning’s launch by the North is the most serious and grave threat ever to us, as the missile seems to have passed through our airspace… the launch is an obvious violation of UN resolutions.” Japan’s Chief Cabinet secretary Yoshihide Suga said in a news conference.


Only two days prior, North Korea launched three short-range ballistic missiles. It’s safe to say, tensions are at their highest point in decades. The US has repeatedly given China the ultimatum to straighten out their neighbors, or we will do it for them. Will this be the straw that broke the camel’s back?



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