A man got tired of Black Lives matter protesters who were blocking the street and preventing him from going on his way. When his patience ran out, he hit the...
No other president has ever been treated as badly as President Trump. Chelsea Handler provides the latest outrageous comment. On Twitter, she wrote: To all the generals surrounding our...
More and more public school teachers are becoming leaders for violent behavior across the country, Through By Any Means Necessary (BAMN), a group which can trace its roots to communism...
A group of illegal aliens decided to protest at the congressional office of Chuck Schumer in a bid to force him to insist that amnesty be granted to a gazillion...
FBI second in command, Andrew McCabe, whose wife received campaign contributions from Clinton bag man Terry McAuliffe to the tune of over $400,000 dollars testified under oath before congress on...
It’s not unusual to find a parent who blames the police if their child is killed, no matter the circumstances. Michael Brown’s parents are a prime example. What has become...
A liberal Fresno State professor is paying a heavy price for violating the 1st Amendment rights of students at the university. A student group was holding a pro-life event on...