When her husband was deployed with the Navy, wife Kailin Turner had big plans to surprise him by transforming her body before he returned home. Unfortunately, she received the heartbreaking message that he wanted a divorce before she could reveal her surprise to him. But rather than give up, Turner used this news as motivation she needed in order to push herself even harder.
And it paid off, as she achieved jaw-dropping results. Today, she has become an internet sensation and is inspiring others to take control of their own lives and achieve weight loss success.
When Kailin Turner’s husband was deployed with the Navy, the military wife had big plans for his return home.
She wanted to surprise him by making changes to her own body after hitting peak weight.
Her plan was to completely change the way she ate and start doing intense workouts like P90X in order to transform herself and make a stunning surprise for him when he got back from deployment.
Eight weeks into her weight loss efforts, Kailin was seeing positive results however, things took a devastating turn before she revealed her big secret.
She received an email from her deployed husband telling her that he wanted a divorce instead of coming home to his surprised wife with all the hard work she had put in towards achieving her goal weight.
Despite this difficult news, Kailin stayed committed to the lifestyle changes she had already begun and pushed herself even harder than before – which would ultimately pay off in more ways than one.
Rather than giving into unhealthy eating habits that could have brought some comfort during this difficult time, Kailin decided to document daily workouts on camera in hopes of inspiring others who were going through similar struggles as well as coaching them on how they too can achieve their weight loss goals.
This dream seemed impossible at first given all the circumstances but became achievable over time due to sheer determination and willpower.
Kailin went from 196 pounds down 8 dress sizes reaching size 2. But it wasn’t just the number on clothing tags or scale that changed drastically but also how Kailin felt about herself as she gained self-confidence and ultimately learned how to love herself again.