Federal Judge Rejects Biden’s Final Push to Force Men Into Women’s Sports

A federal judge has pounded one more nail into the coffin of the Biden administration’s effort to open women’s sports to men.

A federal judge in the U.S. District Court Eastern District of Kentucky Northern Division made the ruling Thursday, according to Fox News.

At issue was a Department of Education rule that sought to use Title IX, which bans discrimination based on gender, into a tool for forcing schools to admit transgender individuals to women’s sports.

Earlier this year, the Supreme Court rejected an effort to immediately enforce the rule on an emergency basis.

“Because the Final Rule and its corresponding regulations exceed the Department’s authority under Title IX, violate the Constitution, and are the result of arbitrary and capricious agency action, the plaintiffs’ motions for summary judgment will be granted and the Department’s motion for summary judgment will be denied,” Judge Danny C. Reeves wrote in Thursday’s ruling.

The lawsuit was brought by Tennessee, Ohio, Indiana, West Virginia, Kentucky, and Virginia.

Reeves wrote that the Biden administration sought to “mandate access to showers, locker rooms, and sexual education classes, among others, consistent with an individual’s gender identity,” adding, “But this approach simply does not make sense.”

Kristen Waggoner, president, CEO, and General Counsel at Alliance Defending Freedom, said in a statement that the ruling was a “colossal win for women and girls.”

“The Biden administration’s radical attempt to redefine sex not only tossed fairness, safety, and privacy for female students out the window, it also threatened free speech and parental rights,” she said. “With this ruling, the federal court in Kentucky rejected the entire Biden rule and the administration’s illegal actions.”

“This ruling provides enormous relief for students across the country, including our client who has already suffered harassment by a male student in the locker room and on her sports team,” she said. The ruling noted that a 15-year-old girl was added to the lawsuit as a plaintiff.

Last month, the Education Department published a notice saying it was dropping the rule.

The Biden administration had proposed the rule in April 2023.

Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel and Vice President of Legal Strategy Jonathan Scruggs said the action was a victory for women, according to a statement on the group’s website.

“Women and girls deserve to compete on a level playing field, and the U.S. Department of Education has taken a step in the right direction by withdrawing this proposed change,” he said.

“As the withdrawal admitted, many Americans voiced their opposition to the rule change and there are many pending lawsuits related to protecting women’s sports — including a comment submitted by Alliance Defending Freedom and multiple lawsuits brought by ADF to protect women’s sports.

“The decision to withdraw the proposed sports rule merely reflects the views of the vast majority of Americans who believe that women’s sports should remain reserved for female athletes,” he said.


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