After Waking Up From Surgery And Looking In The Mirror, She Completely Regretted All Of It…

Rebekah Rupp, a middle-aged from Morrison, Oklahoma had spent the majority of her adult life using tanning booths to unnaturally darken her skin. She believed that getting a tan would make her appear more attractive and boost her self-confidence. Yet all those tanning sessions really wound up costing her a fortune and seriously harming her skin.

Rebekah made the decision to see a dermatologist in December 2018 after noticing a white, itchy lesion on the tip of her nose. Her nose had a white tumor that the doctor removed and submitted to the lab for cancer testing. Rebekah learned that she had basal cell carcinoma a few days later, a form of skin cancer that necessitates surgery to remove the diseased tissue before it spreads to other body regions.

Rebekah underwent surgery to have the malignant tissue from her nose removed, leaving her with a significant gash. Doctors had to graft skin from her forehead to the wound on her nose to aid in her recovery. Unfortunately, it didn’t work as planned, and she was left with a gaping hole in her nose, which made her face deformed.

Rebekah’s misery was caused by her love of tanning beds. She used to go to tanning salons at least five to six times a week in her younger years. She didn’t pay attention to advise from others that it was terrible for her. She adored how tanning beds made her feel—they were soothing, made her feel attractive, and gave her a gorgeous glow.

Rebekah’s skin damage wasn’t solely brought on by tanning beds. Also, she never cared for her skin in high school or college. She didn’t understand how important skin maintenance was until she visited the dermatologist for the dark spot and the doctor noticed a mole that appeared to be white on the tip of her nose.

Rebekah now wants to educate people about the risks of tanning beds and the value of caring for their skin. Sunscreen is the first piece of advice she gives to everyone. They should develop the practice of visiting the dermatologist at least once a year if they are unable to locate sunscreen. They should have any spots on their bodies examined if they are worried about them.

“My first advice to everyone is to wear sunscreen. If you can’t find a sunscreen.” She said, “Make it a habit to go to the dermatologist at least once a year. If you have any concerns about any spots on your body, go get it checked out.”

Rebekah’s experience serves as a warning about the value of caring for our skin and being knowledgeable about the risks of indoor tanning. Let’s all take the required actions to safeguard our skin and avert skin cancer after learning from her experience.

Sources: AWM, Dailymail, Expressdigest