After She Uploaded These Photos, They Arrested Her For The Murder Of Her Daughter…

A mom in North Carolina had the below photo created featuring her at her 2-year-old daughter’s grave with a ghostly image of her child behind her. Two months later, the mom was arrested and charged with killing the girl.

Jeanie Ditty was a strong soldier in the United States army residing in Fort Bragg where she was stationed. Sadly, her 2-year-old daughter Macy passed away in 2015.

Jeanie informed the cops that her daughter Macy choked on her vomit after she consumed a rotten banana that made her extremely sick.

To celebrate her daughter, only a month later, Jeanie chose to put together a photo shoot. She spent the entire day at the cemetery where her daughter has been buried, taking very heart-touching photos at her gravesite with her boyfriend.

Later on, a photographer in Pennsylvania later edited the images to place her deceased daughter into the photos, free of charge. The stunning images made it look as though Macy was an angel standing right by Jeanie’s side.

It wasn’t long before the beautiful and bittersweet photos went viral, touching hearts around the country. Viewers offered the grieving mother support, condolences, and even donations for Macy’s funeral expenses.

But what the public didn’t know was that authorities were in the midst of an investigation about Macy’s death — and the horrifying and shocking truth was about to change everything.

Ditty and her boyfriend, Army Special Forces soldier, Zachary Keefer were charged with first-degree murder and negligent child abuse inflicting serious bodily injury.

From AWM:

Court documents show that the little girl’s tiny body was covered in bruises. She also had suffered multiple head injuries from different impacts. Her liver had also been lacerated.

“This is a horrible case all the way around,” Ditty’s attorney, Bernard Condlin, said. The evidence that the girl’s death was the result of severe child abuse was obvious. Ditty and her boyfriend, Army Special Forces soldier, Zachary Keefer, were charged and arrested.

“Ms. Ditty left during that time frame to go to a doctor’s appointment,” Condlin said. “When she left, the baby was fine. When she came home, the baby wasn’t.”

Nevertheless, authorities released Keefer from custody. Now, Ditty is the only one facing the consequences of her daughter’s death.

Prosecutor Julia Wolf Hejazi dropped Keefer’s charges because: “New medical information provides a clearer timeline of events and contradicts previous medical information…in the interest of justice, the state is dismissing these charges.”

The pair had a court appearance on Wednesday, during which District Attorney Billy West said that what was done to Macy was “homicidal.”

“This is a truly innocent victim and we are going to do everything we can to get justice for this child,” he told WNCN.

Macy’s family has set up a Facebook page, where they hope to raise awareness about child abuse in her honor, said Smith, the great-aunt.

“Macy was love,” she said. “It is the perfect word to describe her. She loved everything.”

Attorney Bernard Condlin stands next to Jeanie Ditty of Spring Lake, N.C.

Sunny Jo, the photographer behind the edited images, said that he has been horrified at the whole ordeal. “It’s disgusting that someone would do this,” he said.

He said the situation led him to delete the “tribute photos” section from his website and that he initially wasn’t planning to do them anymore. However, he said he got messages urging him to continue and has decided to keep making them for grieving families.

“I decided I’m not going to let this negative situation stop me from doing good,” he said.

Watch the video report below for more details:

Source: AWM