Perhaps it was a lack of oxygen due to her mask, or maybe she just needed deliverance from some type of demonic possession. Whatever the case may be, a deranged woman traveling on a commercial flight to Detroit had an Exorcist-style meltdown in the cabin that left other passengers and flight crew shell-shocked.
With the title, “Woman Caught A Demon Inside Her & Spazzed Out On A Flight To Detroit!” Video footage shared by World Star Hip Hop – be warned, the footage is very graphic and full of vulgarity, and is not suitable for younger viewers – shows the unidentified woman climbing over seats with her legs arched across the aisle, mask pulled down, screaming obscenities and gyrating like a scene out of the 1973 thriller The Exorcist. But, there’s not a lot of information about when this happened or even what airline it was on. All we know is that she was freaking out and swearing up a storm.
WATCH the video below:
The video is pretty hard to watch. You can hear the woman yelling, “Btches, we’re going to fck all night,” howling, screeching, and banging whatever was around him. She even starts gyrating and kicking seats, knocking out items, and putting other passengers at risk of injury. It’s pretty uncomfortable to watch. As she also flipped around and climbed wherever she could grab hold.
The woman did not appear to be targeting anyone in particular with this horrific display, but her movements did put others at risk. Other passengers were seen pretending as though they were unaware of what was going on, trying to avoid being kicked or punched while they waited for someone else to do something.
Eventually, two men come to escort her off the plane, but by then it’s too late. The video is already going viral. People are comparing her behavior to the exorcism scene in “The Exorcist” where a possessed girl does all sorts of bizarre things. In which a possessed 12-year-old girl, portrayed by actress Linda Blair, performs a series of bizarre acts, including masturbating with a crucifix while the demon possessing the child growls, “Let Jesus f*ck you.” And, with the woman in the video yelling about f*cking all night while gyrating, it’s not hard to see why people are making that comparison.
“We’re going to f*ck all night,” as the woman in the on-flight clip similarly declared. While, one viewer asked, “What in The Exorcist type of sh*t is this?”
“This video show you people that the devil lives in people,” another added.
Some people in the comments section are saying she was probably on drugs, while others think it might be mental illness. Others, of course, believe the outburst had little to do with demons and was more likely caused by another d-word: drugs.
A commenter wrote, using a slang term commonly “used for smoking a substance,” according to the Urban Dictionary., saying, “Actually she got too much of da Hippity,”
“She had a bad trip, took wayyy too much that time,” another suggested.
“Look’s like she’s had to much flakka! This is what it does to you. Some even worse. Just knock her light’s out problem solved. But Don’t forget to blame it on the demon inside her,” another commenter wrote. But, regardless of what caused her behavior, it’s clear she needed help.
What’s really impressive is how the people on the plane handled the situation. Despite this woman having a complete meltdown, they kept their cool and managed to get her off the plane without any further incident. They should be praised for how they handled the situation. Who knows what could have happened if they hadn’t been so composed.
Sources: TapHaps, WSHH, NY Post, Urban Dictionary