They Cut Open The Belly Of A Snake, What They Found Next Is Absolutely….

I’ve seen a spine-chilling clip from BBC’s Planet Earth II wildlife documentary not long ago, it stunned me with its amazing visuals. In the video, a number of racer snakes are trying to prey on a baby marine Iguana. Although it can be possibly termed as the greatest chase sequence ever filmed, it was maddening to see how far can a snake go to catch its prey.

Just like our featured story for today, a giant snake that was thought to have swallowed an animal was slaughtered, only for locals to realize it was pregnant with over 100 eggs waiting to be hatched.

Locals cut the swollen snake open expecting to find a partially digested calf, but instead found it was jam-packed with eggs. 

While many are happy about the fact that the killing has prevented the birth of hundreds of snakes, others are looking at those eggs as a rare delicacy. For people who seem to have little or no sympathy for all this cruelty towards the dead snake and its unborn babies, the missing livestock still remains a big mystery.

The snake looks to be meters long and about a foot wide, leading many to believe it is either an anaconda or python, the Daily Mail reports. To be honest, from the picture, it’s pretty obvious it’s not a corn snake.

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It is still unclear what species of snake it was, but many are claiming that it was an African rock python. Such types of pythons can grow up to 24 feet long and are known to feed on large prey only.

This species usually eats large rodents, monkeys, warthogs, antelopes, fruit bats, monitor lizards, and crocodiles. African rock pythons have also been known to eat lion, leopard, and cheetah cubs.

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Sources: OpposingViews, Daily MailABC Online