How This Woman Had 21 Babies In One Year Is Absolutely Insane…

You certainly have your hands full, as any mother of a young child understands. But Kristina Ozturk’s life is like having 21 of your own children, imagine that…

Ozturk who’s originally from Russia had a single child less than a year ago. But now, the 23-year-old and her 57-year-old billionaire husband Galip currently have 21 kids.

In addition to one daughter that Ozturk naturally gave birth to, from a previous relationship, and one of Galip’s nine older children, the couple has 20 children together through surrogacy. Meaning it’s 23 kids under one roof.

Kristina and her millionaire businessman’s husband Galip, have paid $195,500 to surrogates between March last year and July last year. They live in Batumi, Georgia, where it is acceptable to employ surrogate moms during pregnancy. However, it is not free; each surrogacy costs about 8,000 euros ($8,068).

Kristina claims that they have 16 live-in nannies who assist them with their children around the clock and who work four days on and two days off. They all have their own kitchens and bedrooms that are close to the children.

According to Kristina, she IS a hands-on mother. She earlier admitted to Fabulous that she always spends time with the children while carrying out mommy duties.

“The only difference is the amount of kids. Each day is different, from planning staff schedules to shopping for my family.”

“I can tell you one thing – my days are never boring.”

Kristina also revealed that they pay their nannies £350 ($644) per week, and the weekly cost of necessities for all the children is between £3,500 and £4,200 ($6,500 and $7700). “Occasionally [the expenditures are] a little more, occasionally a little less.”

On Instagram, Kristina shares details of her day-to-day activities. There, she documents frantic mealtimes, playing with the kids, and taking them on strolls in a variety of double strollers.

In a recent Instagram Q&A, the young mother provided all of her children’s names and birth dates, along with a photo of them all, and described how their lives actually function.

The couple’s children were born between March 10, 2020, and January 16, 2021.

Namely: Mustafa, 14 months; Mariam, 13 months; Ayrin, 13 months; Alisa, 13 months; Hasan, one; Judi, one; Harper, 11 months; Teresa, 11 months; Huseyin, 11 months; Anna, 10 months; Isabella, 10 months; Ismail, nine months; Mehmet, nine months; Ahmet, nine months; Ali, eight months; Kristina, eight months; Sara, seven months; Lokman, seven months; Galip, six months; and Olivia, four months as well as Victoria.

Two to three infants share each room in the family’s three-story residence. Kristina claims that they will continue to share while they are still young and later separate them.

“For now we have three floors at home. In the future, maybe we will build more floors, maybe we will buy a bigger house,” she said. “We don’t have an exact plan, because right now we have enough space for everybody.”

Although 21 children would be more than enough for most, the mum isn’t ruling out having more kids, previously telling a Russian publication she had wanted to have “105 kids.” Although, she later clarified it was a joke.

“It does not mean that we are planning to have 105 children,” she wrote in an Instagram post.

Despite the couple’s enormous brood receiving criticism, the mother insisted that it was “their decision” to create such a large family.

“Don’t use surrogacy if you don’t want, that’s your choice,” she said. “But this is our life, and it’s our choice.”

As a single mother in the vacation town of Batumi in Georgia, in eastern Europe. Kristina met her husband. They both agreed that it was love at first sight.

Sources: Awm, Dailymail, The-sun