A Prosecutor Just Lost His Job For Suggesting A Totally Inhumane Punishment For A Dog…

A Great Pyrenees in Graham County has gotten into some legal trouble.

The owner Michael Eddings said that his seven-year-old Leo’s barking has resulted in more than $750 in noise violation tickets and attorney fees.

Leo is owned by Michael Eddings. Because Leo is a large dog, he stated his bark may be quite loud.

“Leo’s bark does travel, but it’s just because he’s 120 pounds,” he said.

Graham County’s noise law does not specify quiet hours. It simply distinguishes between unpleasant and needless noise. Noise should not be audible clear at a distance of more than 50 feet from the source, according to both requirements.

Leo does not bark more than other dogs in the neighborhood, Eddings said, and he believes he and his family are being unfairly targeted by the Graham County Sheriff’s Office as a result of a complaint.

“I have a neighbor that has three or four dogs that bark,” Eddings said. “And my neighbor across the street has dogs that bark. So, I think singling us out for one dog is a little ridiculous.”

The citations piled up, forcing Eddings to appear in court on Tuesday when he was taken aback by the offer from the district attorney’s office.

“He said that if you have the vocal cords removed surgically, they would drop all charges,” he said. It’s crazy, it’s inhumane.”

The idea was made by an associate district attorney, according to Graham County District Attorney Ashley Welch. The following is a statement from Welch:

I have confirmed that an assistant district attorney in my district suggested, as a possible solution to violations of a town’s noise ordinance, that a dog’s vocal cords be surgically altered. Whether offered in jest or seriousness, the suggestion was inappropriate. I am unable to offer additional comment as this is now a personnel matter.”

Eddings’ next court appearance is scheduled for October.

“We’ll put up a fence, things like that, but I’m not going to put on a barking collar and I’m not going to have surgery,” he said.

Sheriff Jerry Crisp of Graham County stated that Eddings has received multiple tickets for both the dog’s barking and loud music. Since the last citation, he claims there have been no further complaints from neighbors.

Watch it here: Youtube/ABC News

Sources: Westernjournal, Thenationaldesk, Newsweek

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