Biden May Have Found A Horrible Loophole Against The Second Amendment…

The Biden administration appears to have devised a clever solution to its insatiable desire to revoke American gun rights: shutting down the places where Americans buy guns.

Firearm license revocations for retailers have skyrocketed, putting retailers’ cooperation with law enforcement at risk.

On Thursday night, President Biden delivered a speech to the nation on one of his favorite topics: gun control. And in making his pitch to America, he was less than truthful as usual.

He said that “we should repeal the liability shield that often protects gun manufacturers from being sued for the death and destruction caused by their weapons. They’re the only industry in this country that has that kind of immunity.”

Biden’s claims on Thursday night were similar to his previous rhetoric aimed at gun manufacturers.

In April of last year, he stated that “The only industry in America, a billion-dollar industry that can’t be sued, that is exempt from being sued, are gun manufacturers.”

During a Democratic Party presidential primary discussion in late June 2019, Biden said, “Our enemy is the gun manufacturers, not the NRA, the gun manufacturers,” and no other candidate on the stage corrected or condemned him.

Furthermore, by targeting the arms industry, Biden has an impact on our own safety and security that extends far beyond individuals exercising their right to bear arms under the Second Amendment.

According to The Federalist, the Biden administration has resulted in a 500 percent increase in the number of firearms retailers being forced out of business due to technicalities as slight as paperwork errors.

Lee Williams, an independent investigative reporter specializing in covering firearms, revealed that ATF once revoked the licenses of federal firearms licensees (FFLs) at a rate of about 40 each year.

Here’s what Williams reported:

“But, in the 11 months since Joe Biden declared war on ‘rogue gun dealers,’ the ATF has revoked 273 FFLs — an increase of more than 500%. However, rather than targeting the true rogues, Biden’s ATF is revoking FFLs for the most minor of paperwork errors, which were never a concern for the ATF until Biden weaponized the agency.”

Instead of fighting crime, Biden’s proposed budget emphasizes driving gun retailers out of business, the report says, Biden wants $20.6 billion for the Department of Justice to be used for law enforcement, crime prevention, and intervention.

The paper added:

“Plans for the ATF to hire 140 special agents and another 160 Industry Operations Investigators were tucked into that spending request. That’s more inspectors to revoke licenses than special agents to actually jail up criminals.”

Well, one thing is clear: Until settled (remember to vote in November), you might want to head over to your local dealer and see and see what he has to offer before he closes shop.

Sources: WND, Politico, Thefederalist

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