This Is How Republicans Will Restore The American Family…

On Thursday, the Republican Study Committee (RSC) released a framework in preparation for a potential red wave in the United States. In November, the House of Representatives passed a bill outlining a 10-point plan to “restore the American family.”

The plan’s first step is to “protect children from far-left ideologies like the transgender movement and racist ideology in their schools,” as well as “Big Tech and the internet” and “other influences that cause trauma, endanger children’s health, or otherwise impede their development into functional adult citizens.”

Craig DeRoche, President and CEO of the Family Policy Alliance, said in part, pushing Congress to support the framework:

“Under the current Administration, American families are struggling. Parents are being forced to defend their rights and fight radical ideologies in their children’s schools. Female athletes are being forced to give up their opportunities to males in favor of a political agenda. And preborn children are not yet fully protected under the law. American families deserve better.”

Points two, three, and four are to “back policies that enable working families freedom in where and how they earn a living,” “support policies that highlight that parents, not government officials,” and “support a flexible approach to childcare not constrained by onerous government demands.”

“The root of many of our nation’s greatest challenges is the rapid erosion of strong families. By empowering parents and investing in America’s children, we allow prosperity for future generations. If we want to protect and strengthen our nation, conservatives in Congress must be committed to promoting a pro-family agenda when Republicans win back the House,” RSC Chairman Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN) said.

Point five suggests removing measures in federal programs and tax policy that “discourage family development,” such as marriage fines.

“Furthermore, federal policy should never discriminate against working, two-parent families that make a financial sacrifice so that one parent can remain at home to care for young children,” the framework reads.

The welfare system, according to point six, traps families “in a cycle of dependency,” and the system “should not remove families from involvement in broader society; every child has to grow up with at least one working parent as a role model.”

The framework also addresses education, advocating for school choice and curriculum transparency, according to Corey DeAngelis, the American Federation for Children’s national director of research.

“School choice is the only way to truly secure parental rights in education. Funding students directly empowers families to choose the education providers that best meet their needs and align with their values. At the same time, allowing families to vote with their feet incentivizes government-run schools to up their game and focus on the basics as opposed to politically divisive concepts. Choice is a rising tide that lifts all boats. Education funding is meant for educating children, not for protecting a particular institution. We should fund students, not systems.”

In addition, the plan calls for overhauling “our outmoded High Education system” to “open up avenues to the American Dream that do not require a college degree” and ensuring that student loans do not cripple young people or obstruct “family formation.”

Policies such as creating flexible work and childcare arrangements for parents, empowering parental involvement in education, improving foster care and adoption, incentivizing marriage, supporting mothers facing unexpected pregnancies, and protecting innocent preborn lives are all critical components for rebuilding the foundation of American society – strong, healthy families.

Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN), Rep. Rob Wittman (R-VA), Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC), Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC), Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA), Rep. Mary Miller (R-IL), Rep. Bob Good (R-VA), Rep. Fred Keller (R-PA), Rep. Brian Babin (R-TX), Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO), Rep. Lisa McClain (R-MI), Rep. Diana Harshbarger (R-TN), Rep. Alex Mooney (R-WV), Rep. Michael Guest (R-MS), Rep. Randy Weber (R-TX), Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-CO), Rep. Rick Allen (R-GA).

Read it here: Mcusercontent

Sources: Dailywire, Yahoo, Townhall

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