As the supposed “war on Christmas” wages on, one Texas-based restaurant chain has made it clear which side it’s on, and decided it’s had enough.
The owner of Berryhill Baja Grill posted a sign, warning people that they’re not bowing to the demands of others — and almost immediately, their sales began to soar.
Berryhill Baja Grill CEO Jeff Anon told ABC News:
“I just got tired of all the news of everybody having to be politically correct.”
Anon decided to do his part to push back against politically correct people who think they can control everyone else’s speech, so he came up with a “politically incorrect” signboard.
In fact, at all 9 of his restaurant’s Texas locations stores signs were posted warning potential customers that neither Anon nor his employees are politically correct. The sign reads:
Notice: This store is politically incorrect. We say ‘Merry Christmas,’ ‘God bless America.’ We salute our flag and give thanks to our troops, police officers, and firefighters. If this offends you, you are welcome to leave. In God we trust.
Anon explained, “There’s nothing wrong with saying ‘Merry Christmas’ in lieu of ‘Happy Holidays.’ When people say ‘Merry Christmas,’ they’re being nice. They’re not trying to be politically incorrect or have religious beliefs.”
Indeed, it’s nice to see someone taking a stand against those who are hyper-sensitive and so easily offended.
The correct response when receiving such a greeting isn’t to be upset by it, but rather to simply say “Thank you.” After all, it’s a pleasantry, not an insult. Maybe if we all took a lesson from Jeff Anon and his approach, we can finally put an end to the “politically correct” madness that seemingly seeks to ruin everything.
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Sources: 100PercentFedUp, ABC News