They Just Voted To Keep The Masks On Children FOREVER!

While every country in the world, even the third world countries, has slowly ended the Covid-19 related restrictions and mandates, one US school district decided to stay loyal to Joe’s mandates and decided to keep the restrictions ‘indefinitely’.

It is like they want to remain in the stone age while everyone in the world is getting back to normal.

Less than a week before the academic year is set to start, in a last-minute decision, Wisconsin’s largest school district which serves over 70,000 students has decided to mask mandates ‘indefinitely’.

According to the school district, they are ‘concerned’ about recent Covid trends in the city of Milwaukee and that they want to keep mask mandates because of the relatively low vaccination rate within the school district.

The mask mandates in the said district have flip-flopped repeatedly. They lifted the mask mandate for just one day earlier this week before forcing students to mask up again.

More details of this story from Townhall Report:

“In light of the Milwaukee Public School (MPS) decision to keep the mask mandate, “indefinitely,” Tea Party Patriots Action (TPPA) Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued a statement.

“Understanding body language and nonverbal cues are an essential part of child development for communication. This absurd policy will cause irreparable harm to these kids’ development as the rest of America’s kids develop normally. Why? So adults can feel less afraid? Since when do we use children as a shield to protect adults? This is government-imposed child abuse and it must end,” she said.

Martin had also condemned mask mandates in a column for Townhall earlier this month, while offering some hope that it will help Republicans in the midterms. “Never Ending Mask Mandates Bode Well for Republican Midterms,” she wrote, especially considering it looked to have helped Republicans last November in the Virginia and New Jersey statewide elections.”

Sources: 100percentfedup, Townhall

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