Twitter Just Banned One Of Clinton’s Rape Victims For Speaking Her Mind!

After saying COVID-19 vaccines can “alter DNA,” Juanita Broaddrick, who accused former President Bill Clinton of rape, was suspended from Twitter.

On April 9, Broaddrick, 79, published a tweet that called into question the effectiveness of vaccines and argued they are ‘DNA-altering’ jabs being pushed so pharmaceutical companies can make big profits.

“When will this vaccine crap be over? Big Pharma has profited enough for the next hundred years. Stop pushing vaccines that don’t work and alter DNA,” Broaddrick wrote.

According to Fox News, Broaddick received an email from Twitter that her account was subsequently locked Twitter for ‘violating the policy on spreading misleading and potentially harmful information related to COVID-19.

The platform said:

“We understand that during times of crisis and instability, it is difficult to know what to do to keep yourself and your loved ones safe,

Under this policy, we require the removal of content that may pose a risk to people’s health, including content that goes directly against guidance from authoritative sources of global and local public health information.”

“The social media site instructed Broaddrick that repeated offenses could result in the ‘permanent suspension’ of the account, the statement did not clarify if a previous violation occurred or if this was the first offense.” 

Broaddrick, a former nursing administrator, claimed Clinton raped her in 1978 while she worked on his campaign for governor of Arkansas. The alleged incident would have occurred while he was attorney general of Arkansas.

Broaddrick has publicly criticized former President Clinton on a number of occasions, most notably in March 2021 when she hit out at him for hosting an ’empowering women’ seminar on behalf of the Clinton Foundation.

The event was slammed on social media by critics who questioned why Clinton, who faced a number of allegations of sexual misconduct and is known to have close ties to pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, would speak on such a topic.

Broaddrick compared inviting Clinton to speak on women’s empowerment to ‘asking Jeffrey Dahmer to host a cooking class, as per the Daily Mail.

After sharing a screenshot of Broaddrick’s suspended page, Georgia congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, who had her personal Twitter account permanently banned for “repeated violations” of its COVID-19 misinformation policy, called Twitter “stupid,” the Newsweek report says.

Greene tweeted via her unsuspended congressional account, “The biggest killer of freedom of speech,”

“No wonder hardly anyone raises their hand at my town halls when I ask how many people have a Twitter account. People who think this platform is important need to get a life. What a waste.”

Sources: Dailywire, Nypost, Dailymail, Washingtontimes




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