A New Law Will Shut Them Up About Ivermectin Forever….

The COVID-19 have dismantled our society, between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated.

Moreover, the medication methods have also been radically divided.

HCQ & Ivermectin have been proven to save the day for COVID patients especially in worst cases and the left still does not believe that this Ivermectin they call vet medicine is not safe for humans.

But the hope of light has shown up in Kansas after a group of politicians in the area have been pushing public health policy for the allowance of off-label medications to treat COVID-19 such as HCQ & Ivermectin Prescriptions.

Yahoo News explained:

But that hasn’t stopped the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee from advancing a bill making it easier for doctors to prescribe the drugs for off-label use. The bill would also require pharmacists to fill such prescriptions, even if they believe the drugs would be dangerous for patients.

“This is just sort of messy,” said Steve Stites, the chief medical officer at The University of Kansas Health System, when asked about the proposal during a Monday media briefing. “This is politics, unfortunately, and not health care. And when politics gets involved in health care, it kind of gets a little messy. 

Doctors on the regular KU briefings have long opposed using ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19. In the past, infectious disease specialist Dana Hawkinson has advised people to find a new doctor if their current physician promotes ivermectin over vaccines.

“If the drug is FDA authorized, as a physician, the drug is authorized. And you can try and use it for other conditions,” Stites said. “That’s what’s called off-label use. Insurance companies are under no obligation to pay for off-label use.

“The problem is that you are responsible for the outcome of that drug, and if it gives that patient a bad outcome, they can come back to you to say, hey, you had a bad outcome, I’m going to sue you, or you can get turned into the state board.”

The Kansas proposal would remove that liability for off-label drugs for COVID-19.

“What the Kansas legislation is trying to say is, well look, if you want to use ivermectin for COVID, even though that’s off label use — and let’s be honest, even though the overwhelming weight of scientific evidence says that it doesn’t work and may even be harmful to you because again, this is a drug meant for parasites,” Stites said.

“What happens is that the Kansas legislators are now saying you can’t be held responsible for any bad outcome. And I think, you know, it’s bizarre to me, that politicians … want to move into the area of medicine. Essentially, the Kansas Legislature wants to practice medicine for one drug — one drug, you can give this drug and not get sued.”

This off-label prescription has been overly made controversial despite its positive approach in reality but these Big Pharma profits have been disgustingly censorship campaign against off-label prescriptions.

As USA Today noted:

Jenna Moyer, an assistant revisor of statutes, said the bill “would take away the discretion that pharmacists typically have (under state law) not to fill a prescription if it’s in their judgment or discretion that it should not be filled.”

Physicians and pharmacists would also not be subject to any disciplinary action for any “recommendation, prescription, use or opinion …. related to a treatment for COVID-19, including a treatment that is not recommended or regulated by the licensing board,” KDHE or FDA. Such actions could not be considered unprofessional conduct. The provision would be retroactive to March 12, 2020.

The licensing board would be required to rescind any such disciplinary action.

The Board of Healing Arts has taken disciplinary action against one provider — a Lawrence chiropractor who falsely advertised coronavirus-related services.

Sen. Mark Steffen, R-Hutchinson, and an anesthesiologist have promoted ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.

“Twenty percent of all prescriptions are FDA-approved drugs for off-label uses, so this is anything but unique,” he said.

These off-label prescriptions are more worth spending a dollar compared to these ridiculous vaccines that are still not keeping us away from COVID.

Sources: We Love Trump, Yahoo News, USA Today

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