Biden’s Latest Incoherent Rant Has Got Everyone Asking….

The Dems and the leftist media are trying to hide the truth about Biden, but it really comes off naturally that they can’t even control that Joe Biden is deteriorating before our eyes. Another incoherent rant happened with Biden during his national address on January 13th where he stumbled over his words that leaves millions of Americans confused about what he said.

And the crazy thing about it, no one ever understands what he has said, even Biden could not understand himself. lol

Biden was trying to talk about the Omicron variant and “the next steps we’re taking” during a live national address, the former vice president launched into yet another incoherent rant, babbling about literally nothing.

Compare to his previous rambling that’s really funny, this one is sad and frankly, embarrassing for the United States as a whole. This makes our country a laughingstock in the entire world for not having a president who could speak correctly.

“Now, I don’t like to… uh, you know, aah… Outline the next steps we’re taking… Against, I’d like to outline the next steps we’re taking, uh, we’re uh, the Oval… the Omicron,” Biden said. shared the video on Twitter, with a simple caption that sums up exactly what most Americans are thinking when they listen to the video: “???”

Watch the video below:


A lot of people responded to the video posted on Twitter:

One of them sarcastically wrote “This is now elder abuse. Please make the call,” and shared the contact information for the Delaware Elder Abuse Reporting Hotline.

Another Twitter user seemed to agree with him, writing: “Biden may be a piece of human garbage, but his wife and family that are allowing this to go on just for the sake of status are committing the worst kind of elder abuse. F*cking disgraceful.”

Another Twitter user, referencing a recent Quinnipiac University poll in which 33% of Americans approved of Joe Biden’s handling of the presidency, wrote: “33% approve? Do they read at his level too?”

Source: The Gop Times

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