SICK: Indiana Perverts Offering POLE DANCING CLASSES To Small Children!

Apparently, there is an Indiana business that is now offering pole dancing lessons for children as young as seven years old. The business is called Tiff’s Pole Fitness, Inc., and they claim that in today’s day and age, pole dancing is not merely just for strippers, but it is also for everyone and should be deemed an “international sport.” Yes, you read that right; according to this business, pole dancing is no longer for strippers to have sleazy businessmen to drool over them, but it is for EVERYONE!

Moreover, there is a disturbing flyer for the classes that features Disney’s Rapunzel hanging upside on the pole where it appears to be that she is hanging upside down and in lingerie!

The owner is Tiffany Huebner, and she says that the children will be required to wear “mid/short shorts” and a tank top to these classes.

Huebner went even further, making a Facebook post where she wrote a “thank you to those who have shown their support for my Kids Pole Classes! I know that it’s going to take time for everyone to drop the stigma of “it’s a stripper pole” & understand that pole is an international sport now. I have patience & hope for our future generations of pole Olympians & want to share an example with the public of what an international pole sport competition for kids looks like.”

Huebner’s post included a video of a nine-year-old girl who had been pole dancing in a bikini.

“It is an excellent combination of dance & gymnastics 💕 Teenagers & adults can be taught is this same style in my pole sport classes…& we also have flirty flow for adults who want* to learn a sensual style of pole, but the 2 styles are kept separate & age-appropriate,” the post continued.

The instructor had the chutzpah to go on and encourage parents to “stop by” and “check it out.”

However, there have been several posts on Tiff’s Pole Fitness saying that they have deleted a number of posts due to the fact that “the shares and views have extended far beyond our community & area. I didn’t anticipate that it would begin to go viral & I want to protect the privacy of my students & our small community.”


Vaden Chandler is a proud patriot who loves his country and wants to see it do well. When he is not writing articles, he is working on his first book, a Horror/Suspense novel loosely based on a true story called "A Little Bird Told Me."

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