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WOW! Liberals Are Starting To Turn Their Backs On Little AOC!

Progressives are now lashing out at socialist Democrat Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York) after she gave a non-explanation for the way that she voted in Congress in regards to funding for the Iron Dome missile defense system present in Israel, our ally in the Middle East.

Originally, Ocasio-Cortez voted against the funding of this missile defense system before she changed her vote to “present.” On Friday, she offered a long-winded statement to her constituents, but that really didn’t explain her change of heart.

“I want to be clear with our community that I am opposed to this bill, but ultimately cast a PRESENT vote,” said Ocasio-Cortez in part.

“The reckless decision by the House leadership to rush this controversial vote within a matter of hours and without true consideration created a tinderbox of vitriol, disingenuous framing, deeply racist accusations and depictions, and lack of substantive discussion on this matter,” she continued.

Ocasio-Cortez was also claiming that she had asked House Majority Leader Representative Steny Hoyer (D-Maryland) to delay her vote so that some of the tensions in Israel could be eased, but Hoyer “summarily” refused.

“The damage of this careless process created very real spillover effects into our community,” she continued. “It created a real sense of panic and horror among those in our community who otherwise engage thoughtfully in these discussions, and fueled the discussion to devolve to a point where it became clear that this vote would rise a severe devolution to the good faith community fabric that allows us to responsibly join in a struggle for human rights and dignity everywhere — from Palestine to the Bronx and Queens.”

Ocasio-Cortez proceeded to admit that she did indeed weep because of the vote, but that was meaningless when you consider that she offered no explanation as to why she could only vote “present” in regards to the bill.

“To those I have disappointed — I am deeply sorry. To those who believe this reasoning is insufficient or cowardice — I understand,” she added.

There were plenty of critics of Israel who lashed out at Ocasio-Cortez for the way that she handled this vote.

“I feel like I’m taking crazy pills. I’ve read this whole essay three times over and literally nowhere does she actually explain why she voted ‘present’ instead of against the iron dome money. The closest she comes is mentioning the vote process caused ‘panic,” replied one critic.

“The thing you NEED to understand about this is that this s**t isn’t about AOC as an individual it’s about the structural tendency of power. EVERY POLITICIAN IS GOING TO DO THIS. ALL OF THEM,” said another.

“This doesn’t explain in the slightest why you choose to change your vote to present,” read another tweet.

“[T]his s**t is even more annoying than the original vote. just own it. you didn’t vote no because you’re posturing to run for senate and don’t want to alienate the Israeli lobby,” said another critic.

“If anyone could find the part where she actually explains why she voted PRESENT instead of NO, please flag it for me. I genuinely can’t find it,” replied Glenn Greenwald.
Ocasio-Cortez characterized the vote as “controversial” but it still passed with a vote of 420-9, and all opposing votes were from Democrats.

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