House speaker Nancy Pelosi made some disgusting remarks on Friday regarding America’s capitalistic system, saying that it has failed to serve our country and that it needs to be improved.
The Democratic lawmaker said that “capitalism is our system, it is our economic system, but it has not served our country as well as it should. And so what we need to do is not depart from that, but improve it,” Pelosi announced while she was speaking to the Chatham House in London.
While I will give Pelosi credit for urging us not to depart from capitalism, she made several false claims about our system. First of all, she claimed that for four decades the United States had “stakeholder capitalism” in which increases in productivity were accompanied by pay increases for both CEOs and workers, but this has now been replaced by “shareholder capitalism.”
“Productivity rises. CEO pay rises. Worker pay stagnates,” she said. “We cannot have an exploitation of our workforce where wages have stagnated for decades and CEO pay has soared,” the lawmaker said.
House Speaker Pelosi was speaking to a Moderated Conversation at Chatham House. Pelosi is an individual who has spent more than three decades in Congress and she is serving her fourth term as Speaker of the House. Moreover, she is the first and only woman to hold the role of House Speaker.
When she spoke on Thursday to the Cambridge Union, Pelosi said that she believes that President Joe Biden “knows his foreign policy.”
Well, either this woman has been hitting up her liquor cabinet a bit more than she should, or she just needs to catch a clue. Her comment regarding President Biden’s supposed foreign policy prowess is arriving at a period when many individuals are lambasting this administration for the terrible way that they bungled the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.
A recent Quinnipiac poll of American adults uncovered the fact that a staggering 65% of Americans disapprove of the way that the president handled the withdrawal of American troops, with just 31% approving.