Rap legend Nicki Minaj has been experiencing a great deal of backlash lately, and the whole thing started when she tweeted about NYC’s Met requiring people to get the COVID vaccine if they want to attend their annual Gala event. This led Minaj to tweet, “if I get vaccinated it won’t for the Met. It’ll be once I feel I’ve done enough research. I’m working on that now.”
She also tweeted, “In the meantime my loves, be safe. Wear the mask with 2 strings that grips your head & face. Not that loose one”
Then, Minaj posted another tweet just a few minutes later, and she revealed that she had a cousin who wasn’t going to get the COVID vaccine because he had a friend in Trinidad who got it and became impotent. She wrote that “his testicles have become swollen. His friend was weeks away from getting married; now the girl called off the wedding.”
Minaj told her 22 million followers that they should “pray on it” and “make sure you’re comfortable with ur decision, not bullied.”
A fan responded to Minaj’s tweet, noting: “I had to get the vaccine cause they wouldn’t let me look for a job or get a job and to earn some money and know im unsure about getting the second vaccine,” to which Minaj replied: “I know babe. A lot of countries won’t let ppl work w/o the vaccine. I’d def recommend they get the vaccine. They have to feed their families. I’m sure I’ll b vaccinated as well cuz I have to go on tour, etc.”
Now, there was no time at all that Minaj had told anyone not to get the vaccine. However, don’t tell the unhinged left that. They cannot accept that anyone should be allowed to have the free will to make their mind up regarding the COVID jab. Thus, the liberals went after her, and they went after her HARD.
One of the first leftists that condemned her tweet about suggesting that the individuals pray before making that decision to get vaccinated was none other than MSNBC Joy Reid. However, Minaj fired back, reminding her friends that Reid was nothing more than a black woman who was taking orders from white men at MSNBC. That is one of the main reasons why Minaj called her an “Uncle Tomiana.”
“The two white men sittin there nodding their heads cuz this uncle tomiana doing the work chile. How sad,” Minaj tweeted.
Top-rated Fox News host Tucker Carlson actually came to the defense of Minaj in his opening segment on his show. In his remarks, Carlson’s comments were more about “praying” before you make your decision and that is what really upset the left.
“If you allow people to force you to take drugs you don’t want, you’re done. They own you. You’re no longer free,” Carlson said.
Nicki Minaj retweeted a segment from Carlson’s show and the liberals mercilessly attacked her, accusing her of supporting a “White Supremacist” for tetweeting the portion of Carlson’s show where he defends her right to freedom of speech.
Minaj also revealed that she had been invited to the White House.
This is when BLM activist, CNN host, and Obama ass-kisser Don Lemon had to chime in, saying that the only thing she had been invited to do was speak with a doctor who is loosely affiliated with the White House.
Nicki Minaj has always been a huge proponent of free speech and she responded on Instagram with a video that was 14 minutes and 35 seconds long. She slammed the White House for lying about her invitation and yet again slammed Twitter for their disgusting censorship. National File had some partial transcripts of her taking the two to task:
“You should be able to ask questions about anything you’re putting inside your body. We ask a bunch of questions about the most simple things… But you can’t just innocently ask a question about something going in your body? I remember going to China and they were telling us that you can’t speak out against the people in power there. I remember all of us thinking, oh okay, well we understand and we respect the laws here, and that it’s so different where we live… Don’t y’all see that we are now living in that time, where people will turn their back on you… People will isolate you if you simply speak and ask a question.”
Although it might seem like a surprise to some, Minaj said that many other artists feel the same way that she does,
In what may not be a surprise to some, Minaj added that many other musical artists feel the same way as her, “but they’re afraid to speak up” for fear of the same backlash happening to them. “I will never use Twitter again,” she added, noting that her ban from Twitter was making her think “that there’s something bigger” happening with censorship in general around the COVID vaccine:
“I kept on seeing all these people with all these conspiracy theories I was like, oh what, please. But what in the world scared y’all that much that made you disable my f**king Twitter? I have not put out anything that I said was a fact about anything. I simply said we should be able to ask questions and speak. It’s scary when they start telling you that you can’t ask questions about anything… Listen to me. Please. Open your fucking eyes. Open your eyes! That’s all.”