The #1 Item On CDC’s Hurricane Prep List Says It All…

Hurricane Henri is now bearing down on the East Coast, and it is causing some significant flooding in some areas that are simply not prepared for it. Places such as Brooklyn, NY and other areas have simply not seen something like this in a very long time. However, the CDC is now coming to the rescue, saying that they have plenty of recommendations to help you with the coming storm.

All it took was one tweet, and conservative blogger Matt Walsh shared just how quickly that the CDC has become a despotic propaganda machine for not just the nut job mail-in voting supporting crowd but the vaccine manufacturers as well. Apparently, the CDC and the Democrat party are like bread and butter.

Walsh’s tweet was very interesting indeed, and he actually started out the tweet with the preface, “not a joke.”

Here is what Matt Walsh said: .

“The CDC says the first thing you should do to prepare for a hurricane is get the COVID vaccine.” No, we are not kidding.

Apparently, this vaccine will not only prevent you from getting COVID, it will also prevent you from going through a hurricane. Boy, what a wonder drug!

Walsh’s tweet had a screenshot of all of the tips from CDC for being prepared for a hurricane, and the first – and apparently the most – important of all of the tips would be to “get a COVID vaccine as soon as you can.”

After you get your COVID vaccine, then you should get emergency supplies for your home and make some type of protection plan. Finally, you should prepare an evacuation plan, and for that you should go to to see President Biden’s plan for an evacuation.

Oh brother.


Vaden Chandler is a proud patriot who loves his country and wants to see it do well. When he is not writing articles, he is working on his first book, a Horror/Suspense novel loosely based on a true story called "A Little Bird Told Me."

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