There is one furious mother in Bloomington, Illinois who has recently spoken out against the implementation of educational standards that will force prepubescent children to learn about such touchy subjects as transgender ideology, anal sex, and masturbation long before their teenage years.
Passionately Voicing Her Opposition
Becky Swan is a District 87 Parent and Alumni, and she passionately voiced her opposition to the sexualizing of young children at a Bloomington School Board meeting last week, according to WRPW, a right-wing radio station in Central Illinois.
Swan’s statement came in a response to a new bill entitled S.B. 0818 that mandates that schools teach sex education that must comply with the National Sex Education Standards. The bill has passed both chambers of the Illinois legislature and it now awaits signing by Illinois Democrat Governor J.B. Pritzker.
According to Swan, this bill is nothing more than an “unfunded mandate that will destroy local control over curriculum” and it will “groom young children by introducing inappropriate and sensitive topics.”
Swan delivered a fiery speech during the board meeting, assailing the bill for seizing educational authority from parents on this touchy subject. Instead of parents teaching their children about these subjects on their terms, this curriculum takes the place of the parents and indoctrinated them with a litany of liberal ideology, including transgender issues and sexually explicit content.
When she read a sampling from the NSES, she noted that students as young as kindergarten through second grade were expected to “list medically accurate names for their body parts, including their genitals” and be able to “define gender-role stereotypes, gender identity, and gender itself.”
Things start to escalate quickly for children in grades 3-5, as they are expected to explain common human sexual development and the role of hormones (such as in romantic and sexual feelings, masturbation, pubertal onset, and mood swings).
These same children are also taught that “gender expression and gender identity exist along a spectrum” and they are expected to be able to “distinguish between sex assigned at birth and what a person’s true gender identity really is.” Moreover, they are expected to “describe the role that hormones play in the physical, social, emotional, and cognitive changes during adolescent and the role that hormone blockers would have on young people who identify as transgender.”
Of course, by the time that children reach grades 6-8, they are also expected to know the difference between “vaginal, oral, and anal sex” and they are bombarded with information about the influence that substances might play in the “sexual decision-making process” and they are expected to know about the many different types of sexually transmitted diseases.
What else?
But Swan wasn’t finished yet.
Before the parent’s time expired, she also unloaded on the district superintendent, Barry Reilly, for attempting to cut her off from the microphone and for simply dismissing her concerns during a previous meeting.
Swan held up a book that has purportedly been used as a part of sex education curricula in Illinois schools and also throughout the country. She charged that if the board members believed that the content of the book was too sensitive for discussion at their meeting, then why did they think that it was acceptable to teach those subjects to young, impressionable kids?
The book was titled “It’s Perfectly Normal: Changing Bodies, Growing Up, Sex, and Sexual Health” and it has been the subject of a tremendous deal of controversy and outrage. This is due in part to the fact that this book includes illustrations of both naked teens and adults, sexual intercourse, homosexuality, different types of birth control, and masturbation.
Beginning in 2014, the book began to get banned literally everywhere. This was despite the fact that it was still widely used in public school sex education programs. Imagine that, a book that has been banned over sexually explicit content that would give it an “X” rating if it were a movie is widely used by the liberals in sex education programs in public schools!
Do you think that this parent had a reason to be outraged?