Someone Just Told Fauci The Fraud NO!

Anthony Fauci continues to advocate for widespread vaccination, and this is even his policy for those who have recuperated from the virus. However, there is now a refutation that is long overdue from the Cleveland Clinic, where they state something that all of the average joes like you and me have understood from the get-go: once an individual overcomes a particular illness, they have a natural immunity to it. How do you think that vaccines work in the first place, Dr. Fauci? Any fifth grader understands that a vaccine introduces a version of the disease so that it mimics natural immunity!

Dr. Fauci ought to be feeling the sting from his critics right about now…

Needless, this little fascist fear fuhrer that we call Dr. Fauci ended up getting his minions smacked down again, and this is a really obvious case, one where you don’t have to go through four years of medical school to understand.

These comments come on the heels of a recent study that shows that people with a previous SARS COVID-2 infection similar to COVID-19 diagnosis literally DID NOT receive any benefits from the vaccine, so vaccinating those who have already beaten the disease is unnecessary.

According to, “The analysis of the cumulative COVID-19 incidence revealed that during the course of the study, SARS-COVID-2 infection occurred almost exclusively in the participants who had not previously been infected and were not vaccinated.

However, one of the most interesting finds is that there was no significant difference in COVID-19 between those previously infected and those who were currently unvaccinated. Moreover, there was no significant difference between uninfected and currently vaccinated participants either.

The participants from these three groups actually exhibited a lower incidence of the SARS-COVID-2 infection compared to their counterparts.

Indeed, the specific data on this data is staggering: of all of the infections during this study period, 99.3% of them occurred in participants who had not been infected previously and who were currently vaccinated. Otherwise, the remaining 0.7% were those who were not previously infected but were currently vaccinated.

Importantly, there was not a shred of evidence for a SARS-COVID-2 infection in those who had been previously infected with this disease, whether the participants did or did not take the vaccination. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Dr. Fauci!

What do you think about this data? Feel free to share your thoughts.






Vaden Chandler is a proud patriot who loves his country and wants to see it do well. When he is not writing articles, he is working on his first book, a Horror/Suspense novel loosely based on a true story called "A Little Bird Told Me."