It looks like conservative Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz is in some deep waters. He is apparently being blackmailed to the tune of $25 million by an individual who used to be affiliated with the DOJ. This is happening because there are some bogus charges that someone is trying to place on him regarding him traveling with a 17-year-old girl and engaging in an illicit relationship with her. Of course, this $25 million payout is designed by the blackmailers to make this issue “go away.”
Of course, the far-left New York Times first leaked the story, and they did it at about the absolute worst moment possible. They blew the lid off the story just before the feds were planning on swooping in. Additionally, they are targeting the alleged victim with their reporting as well.
Gaetz: Reportedly Furious
Gaetz went on the Tucker Carlson show and gave his viewers more details regarding the “former Department of Justice official.” He said that the blackmailer had an appointment with the lawmaker’s father that very next day and the Gaetz’s were going to be given “specific instructions regarding wiring $4.5 million as a down payment.”
The conservative congressman commented further on the issue, saying that he doesn’t “think this is a coincidence at all that somehow that New York Times is now leaking this information tonight of all times, simply because they want to smear me and ruin the investigation. This ‘former colleague’ of the DOJ needs to brought to justice for extortion of me and my family.”
The original information went down on Tuesday night as the New York Times had announced that “Congressman Matt Gaetz is being investigated by the DOJ regarding an alleged relationship with a 17-year-old girl.”
However, one of the things that the New York Times neglected to say is that the whole thing is a total frame job. According to Gaetz, these charges are totally fabricated and were filed by former DOJ official David McGee just so he could commit extortion against the senator and his family.
Gaetz made it completely clear that the “New York Times may be running a story about me traveling with a 17-year-old, but that is easily and verifiably false,” he said, and then extended everyone to inspect all of his travel records. “This is extortion of me and my family.” He then detailed some of the specifics.
He said that his father got a text message on March 16 that demanded a meeting with a person demanding $25 million or they would make false sex trafficking allegations against me. The money was to be paid for this to go away.”
However, instead of arranging a meeting, the younger and elder Gaetzs went straight to the FBI. “The feds were extremely concerned about this incident, and they want my father to wear a wire. He agreed.”
Now that this story has been made public, Gaetz is demanding that the DOJ and the FBI make these tapes public so he can clear his name.
Is this the type of environment that we are living in now? Is this an environment where someone can be totally smeared and have their character defamed just because they have a different viewpoint? It sure looks that way.
What do YOU think about this messed-up story? Your comments are always appreciated!