Sometimes it isn’t what you say, it’s how you say it.
You can say something so mean to someone, the meanest thing that you can possibly say. But if you say it nice enough they won’t be able to tell.
Also, sometimes when talking to someone, it’s more about what people don’t say. Last night during the debate, there was a lot that Biden didn’t say and people should really be paying attention to that.
It wasn’t Joe Biden’s answers so much that bothered debate watchers. It was the questions he refused to answer that have voters worrying. Biden refused to say if he would support doing away with the filibuster rule or packing the Supreme Court. These are questions that every voter needs the answer to.
When someone refuses to answer, it generally means they are taking the unfavorable yet personally advantageous position.
The Democrats know they have to pack the court because the majority will follow the constitution. If the Supreme Court follows a strict in perpetration of the Constitution, the Democrats radically leftist agenda is DOA.
The ordinary Americans could wake up one day and find their inalienable rights have been alienated. I fear we could one day wake up and be stripped of nearly all of our First or Second Amendment rights.
Trump and Biden had a back and forth over this:
“Are you going to pack the Court?” Trump pressed.
Biden repeated himself, “vote and let your senators know…”
“I’m not going to answer that question,” Biden responded.
“Why aren’t you going to answer that question?” Trump pressed.
“Would you shut up, man?” the Democrat responded.
The president took a different tack. “Who is on your list, Joe?” he asked.
“This is so unpresidential,” Biden responded.
“Who is on your list, Joe?” Trump repeated.
President Trump released the list of judges he would appoint to SCOTUS in 2016 and again this year. But Joe Biden absolutely refuses to tell voters what he would do. That means he knows potential voters wouldn’t like the answer. Like Trump or not, you always know where he stands. That means a lot. In a city filled with forked tongued snakes, Trump always tells you what he’s thinking, and what he is going to do.