Young Woman Birth’s Baby Girl On Bathroom Floor, What She Did Next Was PURE EVIL

She told nurses she cleaned the bathroom because it “looked like a crime scene.”


As Reported by|  KnoxNews An appellate court has rejected the appeal of a Sevier County woman who claimed she did not know she was pregnant and — in a state of shock — smothered her baby girl after giving birth in a bathroom.


The Tennessee Court of Criminal Appeals late last week upheld both the reckless homicide conviction a Sevier County jury served up in the case of Stephanie Marie Brown and the four-year prison term meted out by a Sevier County judge.


Brown was 24 when, in January 2016, she gave birth to a baby girl in the bathroom of her boyfriend’s parents’ home in Kodak.

Court records show she initially insisted she had no idea she was pregnant and that her daughter was born already dead.


But, records show, she later confessed she began to suspect she was pregnant in the weeks before the bathroom birthing and clamped her hand over the infant’s mouth and nose immediately after the birth.


Stephanie Marie Brown, shown in a 2016 Sevier County Jail mugshot, was convicted of reckless homicide in the death of her newborn girl.

Sevier County Public Defender Ed Miller argued in the appeal that Brown was in a state of shock and should not have been held criminally responsible for her actions.

The appellate court, however, disagreed.


“(Brown) contends that she was in shock. … However, there was no testimony that Defendant was in such a state (of) shock after giving birth that she could not appreciate that holding her hand over the baby’s mouth and nose immediately after birth would suffocate the child and cause death,” the court’s opinion stated.


According to the opinion, Brown also told her mother she believed she had a hernia. Her mother offered to take her to the hospital, but Brown declined.

On the night of Jan. 13, 2016, Brown told Laws she was feeling sick and may have suffered food poisoning. Laws and his parents would later testify Brown went into the bathroom and stayed there. Laws fell asleep. When a barking dog awakened him around 12:30 a.m., Laws realized Brown was still in the bathroom, the opinion stated.

“Mr. Laws testified that he laid back down in the bed, and (Brown) walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom,” the opinion stated. “He said that (Brown) told him that she had just given birth to a stillborn baby, later determined to be a girl.”

Laws told jurors he jumped to his feet and grabbed his car keys.

“And I said, ‘We need to go to the hospital.’ And she kind of just stood there,” Laws testified. “I don’t know if she was in shock or what. She had this, like, vague look on her face like she was there physically but not, like, mentally there.

“And I was like, I said, ‘We need to go. We need to go to the hospital now,’ ” he continued. “And I said, ‘Get some clothes on.’ And she starts like, she slowly starts getting her clothes, and I guess she was, must have been, still in shock or something. And after that, it’s kind of a little blurry.”

Laws’ mother and father looked inside the bathroom and saw the baby — now dead — in a trash bag. The couple said the bathroom appeared to have been cleaned.

“(Laws’ mother) opened the bag and found the baby underneath some towels,” the opinion stated. “She attempted to resuscitate the baby by doing chest compressions with her two fingers but she stopped after the baby did not respond. (Laws’ mother) testified that she then hugged (Brown).”

Tennessee Supreme Court Indigent Representation Task Force member Dean William Koch questions Sevier County Public Defender Ed Miller at the University of Tennessee College of Law in 2016.

The couple placed the baby in a cardboard box.

“(Laws’ father) said that they considered whether to drive the baby to the hospital or wait for an ambulance but they chose to drive her to the hospital,” the opinion stated. “(Laws’ father) noted that they decided to place the baby in a box so that no one else would see her when they took her into the hospital.”

Upon arrival at Leconte Medical Center in Sevierville, the couple handed the box to a nurse, who immediately burst into tears at the sight.

‘The strangest thing happened’

“Mom, I’m at the hospital,” Brown wrote to her mother in a text. “The strangest thing happened last night. I delivered a dead baby.”

But Maria Cutshaw, a Tennessee Bureau of Investigation agent working as a detective for the Sevier County Sheriff’s Office at the time, was suspicious of Brown’s claim the baby was born dead.

Maria Cutshaw, a Tennessee Bureau of Investigation agent who in 2016 worked as a detective for the Sevier County Sheriff's Office, is shown in an undated photo.

Brown had told her boyfriend’s mother she was “nervous about going to jail” because she had used her phone to look up “baby stuff.” She told nurses she cleaned the bathroom because it “looked like a crime scene.”

After an autopsy revealed evidence the baby had, in fact, been alive when born, Cutshaw sat down with Brown for another interview in March 2016, the opinion stated.

“(Brown) eventually admitted that she realized her pregnancy a few weeks before giving birth,” the opinion stated. “She then admitted that she killed her newborn baby by placing her hand over the baby’s mouth and nose a few minutes after she was born.

“(Brown) said that the baby had moved a little and had moved her arm,” the opinion continued. “She told Detective Cutshaw that she did not know why she stopped covering the baby’s mouth, but after a few minutes she checked the baby’s pulse and found none.”

Brown was charged with first-degree murder. At trial, Miller sought to convince jurors the autopsy was wrong and Brown’s confession was false. The jury ultimately acquitted Brown of premeditated murder and instead deemed her guilty of reckless homicide.

It was up to Sevier County Criminal Court Judge Rex Henry Ogle to decide Brown’s fate. Miller urged leniency. He sought probation and judicial diversion, a special designation that allows first-time offenders to have their record wiped clean at the end of a probationary period.

Ogle was having none of it, the opinion shows.

Sevier County Criminal Court Judge Rex Henry Ogle

“There is absolutely, in the record, nothing upon which a court could excuse or justify the actions of this defendant in this case,” Ogle said. “There is absolutely no reason to excuse the defendant based upon her age alone. People much younger than this defendant bear children to live birth.

“And the court would note that there is absolutely no evidence of any remorse by this defendant in this case,” he continued. “This defendant is sorry it happened. … Being sorry that it happened is not sorry for what you’ve done. This child was killed at birth … a child who will never walk this Earth, the most defenseless of human beings, that will never, never get to enjoy playing, growing up.”

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