The Dark Secret Behind The Land O’ Lakes Loony Liberal Meltdown Has Been Revealed!

There are some people that just make it their job to be offended by everything that is out there.

All it takes is one person to be upset about something and there ends up being this big uproar that just doesn’t need to be had.

Look at the thing with Land O’ Lakes butter. Did you even think for a second about the packaging on the butter? I gotta say if you are offended at the front of a packet of butter you have more problems than I have time to mention.

Where did Mia go? The iconic image of a Native American woman on the packaging of Land O’ Lakes dairy and other products, a signature logo for almost 100 years, was removed.

In February, the Minnesota-based company announced the change to its packaging.

The”O” on the front was vacated, and photos of the co-op’s farmers were added to the back.

New Land O'Lakes butter packaging.

“As a farmer-owned co-op, we strongly feel the need to better connect the men and women who grow our food with those who consume it,” president and CEO Beth Ford said in a statement.

In truth, Land O’Lakes buckled under public pressure to stop using Native American images in a manner that might create a stereotype or appear to be derogatory.

In 2005, the American Psychological Association recommended that all Native American mascots be removed, saying they are a form of discrimination and hurt the self-esteem of indigenous youth.

North Dakota state Rep. Ruth Buffalo, a Democrat and registered member of the Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara tribes, told the Twin Cities Pioneer Press that the Mia logo goes “hand-in-hand with human and sex trafficking of our women and girls … by depicting Native women as sex objects.”

Yet, in announcing its decision, Land O’Lakes did not address the controversy. Thus, the change has been cheered by the politically correct while simultaneously upsetting activists who view this as a missed opportunity to shine a spotlight on real issues impacting Native Americans.

“It could have been a very strong and positive message to have publicly said, ‘We realized after a hundred years that our image was harmful and so we decided to remove it,’” Brown University professor Adrienne Keene told the Minnesota Reformer.

“In our current cultural moment, that’s something people would really respond to,” said Keene, a citizen of the Cherokee Nation and author of the Native Appropriations blog.

There’s one point that many have missed: The image, originally created in 1928, was remade in the 1950s by Native American artist Patrick DesJarlait. He certainly did not consider it offensive to his Ojibwe tribe.

DesJarlait’s son, Patrick, expressed “mixed feelings” about the change, according to the Minneapolis Star Tribune.

“I’m sad to see it go, but I can understand why it’s gone,” he said. “We live in a politically correct time, so maybe it was time to get rid of it. …

“But in our family, my dad’s work is a source of pride for us. He broke barriers as an Ojibwe artist from Red Lake. Back then, you didn’t find native people in those kinds of jobs, and this gave him the opportunity to put his spin on a well-known native image.”

The activists who have pressed for this transformation in our society since the 1960s are increasingly faced with a stark reality: The more we remove these images, the less visible are Native Americans altogether.

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